ADS/ADX concurrent users - Metasys - LIT-1201525 - MS-ADS05U - MS-ADX10SQL - MS-ADX10U - MS-ADX25SQL - MS-ADX50SQL2 - MS-ADX50U - MS-ADXS25U - Server - ADS Server - ADX Server - 12.0.50

Application and Data Server (ADS) and Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Product Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > ADX Server
Building Automation Systems > Databases and Data Servers > ADS Server
Document type
Product Bulletin
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Revision date
Product status

Use the following table to help you determine the ADS/ADX user product that you need to order. The table provides examples of the total number of supported users who can be simultaneously logged on to the Metasys UI and SMP.

Note: The following information provides the supported concurrent user limitations. Usage beyond the supported limitations may yield system or server performance issues.
Table 1. Examples of Metasys Server concurrent users
ADS/ADX type Examples of ADS/ADX concurrent users
SMP UI Metasys UI 1

5-user ADS/ADS-Lite/OAS

0 5
2 3
5 0
10-user ADX 0 25 2
5 20
8 17
10 15
25-user ADX 0 25
10 15
20 5
25 0
50-user ADX 0 50
10 40
25 25
50 0
100-user ADX 5 50 3
10 503
25 503
50 503
75 25
100 0

For example, as shown in Table 1, with a 5-user ADS or ADS-Lite, 5 Metasys UI users are supported if no SMP users are logged in, or 3 Metasys UI users are supported if 2 SMP users are logged in. Similarly, with a 50-user ADX, 50 Metasys UI users are supported if no SMP users are logged in, or 40 Metasys UI users are supported if 10 SMP users are logged in. The only Metasys UI user restriction applies to a 100-user ADX: no more than 50 Metasys UI users are supported, regardless of the number of SMP users.

1 Metasys UI includes users logged-in to Metasys UI, as well as any Metasys API users.
2 The 10-user ADX has an SMP 10 concurrent user limitation. The Metasys UI concurrent user limitation is 25.
3 The 100-user ADX has an SMP 100 concurrent user limitation. The Metasys UI concurrent user maximum is 50.