Anti-spyware software on the ADS/ADX computer - Metasys - LIT-1201645 - MS-ADSxxx-x - MS-ADXxxx-x - Server - ADS Server - ADX Server - 13.0

ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > ADX Server
Building Automation Systems > Databases and Data Servers > ADS Server
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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Anti-spyware software may not allow the ADS/ADX to write to the Windows operating system Hosts file. Some anti-spyware software may prompt you to accept or reject the change; other software does not allow the change to occur at all.

If the anti-spyware software is blocking the ADS/ADX from editing the Hosts file, you can still log in to the ADS/ADX ; however, you may not be able to navigate to child engines or other ADS/ADX devices through the ADS/ADX (Site Director) using the Metasys system user interface.

If you are using anti-spyware software, accept changes to the Hosts file that write Metasys Device Names/IP pairs to the file if you are prompted. If the software automatically denies Hosts file changes, configure the anti-spyware software to allow the IIS Admin Service to edit the Hosts file.

Configure and verify that the anti-spyware software allows the Metasys Device Manager and Metasys Action Queue services to run on the ADS/ADX computer.