Message queue size considerations and troubleshooting - Metasys - LIT-1201645 - MS-ADSxxx-x - MS-ADXxxx-x - Server - ADS Server - ADX Server - 13.0.50

ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide

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ADS Server
ADX Server
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Commissioning Guide
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Under normal operation, Metasys message queues are empty or near zero. If there is a problem with trend forwarding, the messages remain in the backlog queue and queue size increases. If this occurs, and the queues become full, permanent data loss can result.

Note: This procedure requires that you have Windows Administrator access on the Metasys server computer.

To determine the size of your RabbitMQ queue:

  1. Launch a command prompt as an administrator.
  2. Run the following command to navigate to the default RabbitMQ folder: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Johnson Controls\RabbitMQ Server 3.8.16\rabbitmq_server-3.8.16\sbin". If you use a non-default install location for RabbitMQ, navigate to that location.
  3. Run the command rabbitmqctl list_queues. A list of queues and unprocessed messages displays. If the Number of Messages for the Metasys queues contains a number that is greater than zero or has grown over time, you may have an issue with data processing that requires further investigation.