Managing preferences - Metasys - LIT-1201645 - MS-ADSxxx-x - MS-ADXxxx-x - Server - ADS Server - ADX Server - 13.0.50

ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide

Product name
ADS Server
ADX Server
Document type
Commissioning Guide
Document number
Revision date
Product status

Beginning with Metasys Server at Release 8.0, user preferences (and object lists) that are created on the ADS/ADX are saved in the archive database by SCT. They are part of the archive upload/download process, so you no longer need to save these xml files before an upgrade. However, system preferences on the ADS/ADX are not archived in SCT, so you still must manage these files manually during an upgrade.

For information on managing preferences for each preference type, see the following sections: