Constant volume Venturi air valve diagrams - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014272 - Valve - Venturi Valve

Venturi Air Valve with UVM1000 Installation Guide

Valves and Actuators > Valves > Venturi Valve
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Installation Guide
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The following figures and tables show the Constant Volume Venturi air valve, the Fast Actuated Venturi air valve, and the Venturi CCM valve controller and panel layout.

Figure 1. Constant Volume Venturi air valve
Callout Description

Differential pressure pick-up fitting

2 Manual CFM adjustment
3 Differential pressure pick-up fitting
4 Teflon bearing
5 SS316 cone shaft
6 SS316 struts
7 Stainless steel spring
8 Cone assembly
9 Airflow direction
Figure 2. Fast Actuated (FA) Venturi air valve
Callout Description

Differential pressure pick-up fitting

2 Linkage
3 Actuator
4 UVM1000
5 Differential pressure pick-up fitting
6 Hall effect position sensor
7 Teflon bearings
8 SS316 cone shaft
9 SS316 struts
Figure 3. CCM09090 Valve mounted room level controller
Callout Description
1 CCM panel
2 Differential pressure pick up fitting
3 Hall effect position sensor
4 Teflong bearings
5 SS316 cone shaft
6 SS316 struts
7 Differential pressure pick up fitting

Venturi air valves are available with a factory mounted room level controller CCM09090 on the valve body. This reduces the need for an additional wall mounted panel in the critical space and makes installation easier. The valve mounted controller is the central node in the room for connection to all other devices. It is best practice to designate the location of the controller onto a valve you can easily access, or to a valve with access to the general ventilation supply. For more information, refer to the CCM Quick Start Guide (LIT-12014059).

Figure 4. Venturi CCM panel layout

The following table lists the components for the Venturi CCM panel. All dimensions are in H x W x D.

Callout Component Description Quantity Part number
1 Enclosure Control panel enclosure. 8 in. x 18 in. x 3.5 in. (203 mm x 457.2 mm x 88.9 mm) 1 74-00010-00024
2 Nut Hex machine screw nut, size #6 to 32 2 02-489-268
3 Transformer Control transformer 24 V, 30 VA 50/60Hz. Primary voltage 24 VAC 1 27-05837-00169
4 DIN rail Low profile 13 in. (330.2 mm) length 1 74-00003-00032
5 Terminal block Single terminal block for DIN rail, width 0.24 in. (6 mm) 13 02-217-2871
6 Label Component label TB-2 1 02-814-1048
7 Controller assembly M4-CCM09090-0 1 27-05837-00169
8 Label Polyester ground label 3 02-814-1072
9 Bushing Universal nylon flexible bushing, radius size 1 in. (25.4 mm) 3 02-500-00371
10 Label Component label 1 02-814-1048
11 Label Product identification label 2 14-1113-18
12 Terminal block Single terminal block end clamp for DIN rail 3 02-217-2413
13 Label Marking tags for terminal blocks 1 02-43-530
14 Jumpers 2 pole insulated jumper for terminal block 2 02-217-3657
15 Terminal block Single terminal block cap for DIN rail 2 02-217-2898
16 Nut Hex machine screw nut, size #8 to 32 4 69-12510-79
17 Washer External toothed lock washers 4 02-65-170
18 Label Printed wire assembly component label component label 1 02-814-1048
19 UVM-PCBA UVM1000 Printed Circuit Board Assembly 1 UVM-PCBA
20 Ferrite clamp Ferrite clamp for EMI suppression 2 02-1035-126
21 Label Component label 1 02-814-1048
22 Wire harness Control panel wire harness for Triatek serial port 1 75-00001-00012
23 Fuse Slow-blow fuse 1.0A, 0.20 in. x 0.79 in. (5 mm x 20 mm) 1 02-412-01437
24 Fuse holder Fuse holder, 0.20 in. x 0.79 in. (5 mm x 20 mm) 1 02-531-00385
25 Faston Solderless faston insulated terminal for wire gage 18 AWG to 22 AWG 2 02-494-633

The following table lists the components for the Venturi CCM panel. All dimensions are in H x W x D.

Table 1. Dimensions and weights
Size Ganged valves Weight Valve diameter Valve length (A) Valve height (B) Collar width (C) Collar width (D)
lb kg lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
8 in. (203 mm) 1 15 7 20 9 7.75 197 23 584 14 356 N/A
10 in. (254 mm) 1 20 9 27 12 9.74 247 26 660 16 406 N/A
2 40 18 54 24 N/A N/A 30 762 17 432 22.63 575 11.44 291
3 60 27 81 37 N/A N/A 30 762 17 432 33.75 857 11.44 291
4 100 45 135 61 N/A N/A 30 762 35 889 22.63 575 22.88 581
6 140 64 189 86 N/A N/A 30 762 35 889 33.75 857 22.88 581
12 in. (305 mm) 1 20 9 27 12 11.68 297 26.8 681 18 457 N/A
2 60 27 81 37 N/A N/A 30.8 782 19 483 26.75 679 13.5 343
3 80 36 108 49 N/A N/A 30.8 782 19 483 40 1016 13.5 343
4 100 45 135 61 N/A N/A 30.8 782 38 965 26.75 679 27 686
6 150 68 203 92 N/A N/A 30.8 782 38 965 40 1016 27 686
14 in. (356 mm) 1 25 11 N/A 13.62 346 30 762 22 559 N/A
2 50 23 N/A N/A 34 864 24 610 32.15 817 16 406
3 75 34 N/A N/A 34 864 24 610 48.3 1227 16 406
4 120 54 N/A N/A 34 864 48 1219 32.15 817 32 813
6 160 73 N/A N/A 34 864 48 1219 48.3 1227 32 813
Table 2. Partially closed (PC) Venturi Valve flow rates
Size Ganged valves Low pressure, minimum 0.3 in. W.C (inches of water column) Medium pressure, minimum 0.6 in. W.C
Minimum flow Maximum flow Minimum flow Maximum flow
8 in. (203 mm) 1 35 59 500 850 35 59 700 1189
10 in. (254 mm) 1 50 85 550 934 50 85 1000 1699
2 100 170 1100 1869 100 170 2000 3398
3 150 255 1650 2803 150 255 3000 5097
4 200 340 2200 3738 200 340 4000 6796
6 300 510 3300 5607 300 510 6000 10,194
12 in. (305 mm) 1 90 153 1050 1784 90 153 1500 2549
2 180 306 2100 3568 180 306 3000 5097
3 270 459 3150 5352 270 459 4500 7646
4 360 612 4200 7136 360 612 6000 10,194
6 540 917 6300 10,704 540 917 9000 15,291
14 in. (356 mm) 1 175 297 1400 2379 175 297 2100 3568
2 350 595 2800 4757 350 595 4200 7136
3 525 892 4200 7136 525 892 6300 10,704
4 700 1189 5600 9514 700 1189 8400 14,272
6 1050 1784 8400 14,272 1050 1784 12,600 21,408
Table 3. Full shut-off (FS) Venturi Valve flow rates
Size Ganged valves Low pressure, minimum 0.3 in. W.C Medium pressure 0.6 in. W.C
Minimum flow Maximum flow Minimum flow Maximum flow
8 in. (203 mm) 1 0 0 400 680 0 0 600 1019
10 in. (254 mm) 1 0 0 450 765 0 0 850 1444
2 0 0 900 1529 0 0 1700 2888
3 0 0 1350 2294 0 0 2550 4332
4 0 0 1800 3058 0 0 3400 5777
6 0 0 2700 4587 0 0 5100 8665
12 in. (305 mm) 1 0 0 750 1274 0 0 1100 1869
2 0 0 1500 2549 0 0 2200 3738
3 0 0 2250 3823 0 0 3300 5607
4 0 0 3000 5097 0 0 4400 7476
6 0 0 4500 7646 0 0 6600 11,213
Note: 14 in. valve is not available in FS valve body.