Commissioning the Venturi Air Valve - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014272 - Valve - Venturi Valve

Venturi Air Valve with UVM1000 Installation Guide

Valves and Actuators > Valves > Venturi Valve
Document type
Installation Guide
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Before you begin

Ensure that the UVM Configuration Tool has successfully installed onto the laptop, the parent valve is connected to the UVM-CABLE, and communication is active.


Figure 1. Venturi Air Valve commissioning sequence
  1. To determine the pressure type of your valve, locate the part number on the valve .
  2. Ensure you have the specified differential pressure measured across the valve at >90% positioning. Low Pressure between 0.3 in. W.C and 3 in. W.C, or medium Pressure between 0.6 in. W.C and 3 in. W.C.
  3. Confirm you have the UVM and actuator configured properly for the open Fail-Safe Acting Mode. UVM Dip Switch SW1/5-ON: Reverse Acting, and Critical Environments (CE) fast actuator DS1 Switches 1-2 OFF: Fail Open.
  4. Confirm you have the UVM and actuator configured properly for the closed Fail-Safe Acting Mode. UVM Dip Switch SW1/5-OFF: Direct Acting, and CE fast actuator DS1 Switches 1-2 ON: Fail Closed.
  5. Ensure the controller analog output provides control signal scaled from 0 VDC to 10 VDC = 0 CFM to XXX CFM. Scaling Factor CFM is based on size and ganged data. See Table 4 for more information.

  6. Ensure the controller analog input receives CFM feedback between 0 VDC and 10 VDC from the UVM, and is scaled between 0 VDC to 10 VDC = 0 CFM to xxxx CFM. Scaling Factor CFM is based on size and ganged data.See Table 4 for more information.

    For example: A single 8 in. valve with part number: JV-N-08-A-N-FA-P-H-M-U has a scaling factor of 800 CFM. For more information on minimum and maximum UVM scaling factors, see Table 1.