About this task
Typically, Johnson Controls provides approximate wireless locations for installers to follow but it is critical for installers to understand the layout process and required materials so they can suggest alterative mounting solutions determined during installation.
- Inspect the building plans floor by floor, section by section on each floor if necessary, and the intended locations of all MS/TP controllers to be added to the wireless network.
- Assume the routers will be located adjacent to their respective controllers.
- Highlight all of the obstructions on the building floor plans, such as elevator shafts, metal equipment, equipment rooms, and duct work.
- Locate the TMR coordinator near the center of the space on the same building level as the associated TMR Routers. You may locate the panel remotely for better cell coverage and wire the coordinator radio (TMR Router) up to 30 m (100 ft) away if required.
On your floor plans, draw a 75 m (250 ft) radius circle around
the coordinator radio to determine the wireless signal range. All TMR routers
that fall withing the circle should be reachable with a single hop. Routers that
fall outside the circle may require hopping through the mesh.
Note: Reduce the radius (range) for Tx Power settings less than 20 dBm and to account for building structures that inhibit wireless communications.
- If there are Routers that fall outside the direct range of the TMR Coordinator, chose any router near the outer perimeter, and draw another 75m (250 ft) radius circle around that router. The routers that fall within this circle should be able to reach the coordinator with two hops.
- Continue working out from the coordinator, drawing circles until all routers are include in one or more circles.
- If routers fall outside of all of the range circles, a repeater may be required. Install a repeater within a range circle so it can be used as a router to extend the range to the outer routers.
If you determine that 4 or more hops are required to reach between the
coordinator and the outer-most routers, consider the following:
- Move the TMR coordinator closer to the center of the PAN.
- Split the PAN into two or more groups and install one TMR in each of the groups.