Appendix C - Wireless site review - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013954 - JC-TMR2400-x - Wireless Device - TMR Series Wireless Best Practices

TMR Series Wireless Best Practices

Network and Communications > Wireless Devices > TMR Series Wireless Best Practices
Document type
Commissioning Guide
Document number
Revision date

The following site-specific information helps with the planning and design of a wireless site. You can use the information that you collect in case you require to troubleshoot implementation. This information is meant as a guide only. The information does not all need to be known, or completely filled out to make design and installation decisions, but a better site understanding typically leads to a better performing design.

It is recommended to perform the site-survey with use of the ZFR-HPSST-0 (Field Controller Bus) Survey tools and following the instructions provided.

  • It is recommended to test as close to the wireless equipment to be installed (temporary mount the tool on a ladder in the probable location of a ceiling repeater/coordinator, position the sensor where the router will be located).
  • Record bidirectional communication from the tool – sensor pair. Due to differences in the signal reflection, there could be different LED blinks seen across devices.
  • Note down the blink count along with the test-route taken.
  • Perform the site-survey during occupied hours.
The following project and site information is representative of useful information to collect to correctly estimate and design the wireless solution.
Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are considered mandatory and required for evaluation while the rest are optional.
Table 1. Project details
Question Typical options or value Site response
Application type Education, hospital, open office, airport, retail, residential
Job type* New construction, retrofit
Floor details* Single floor, multi-story (number of floors)
BAS type or planned -
System Controller type or planned -
Ethernet drop available Yes, No
Table 2. Site structure details
Question Typical options or value Site response
Floor plan* To identify location of devices
Floor plan details To help understand scale
Ceiling material* Concrete, metal
Ceiling type* Drop, exposed
Ceiling devices allowed Ability to install wireless routers below the ceiling tile
Wall material* Yes, No
Wall material* Drywall, concrete block, pulled concrete, concrete block with filled concrete, plaster with metal screens, wood frame, metal stud
Pictures available Provides better understanding of site
Locations of potential wireless interferers Wi-Fi applications and RF sources such as microwaves, audio visual equipment
Table 3. Wireless installation validation
Question Site response (Yes / No / Specify)
Are there existing wireless solutions on-site that could interfere with the Johnson Controls wireless solution? *
Does the building tenant’s plan include wireless solutions that could interfere with the Johnson Controls wireless solution? *
Will the building’s Wi-Fi solutions be unmanaged? *
Note: Multi-tenant office buildings often have independent IT departments that do not coordinate Wi-Fi usage
Does the customer require validated environment (21CFR Part 11) compliance? *
Are non-Johnson Controls controllers in the network targeted for TMR Wireless (is interoperability with third party wireless devices a requirement)? *
Does the customer require direct management, prohibit, or restrict any wireless system on their premise?
Do any BAS system applications prohibit an occasional offline or delayed communication response? *