Setpoints and related data
The setpoints and related data include the following items:
- Thermostat only control enable (Tstat-Only) OFF
- CV occupied cooling setpoint (ClgOcc-Sp)
- Temperature/humidity (return) control enable (TempHumCtl-En) ON
- Maximum temperature/humidity setpoint offset (MaxTempHumSpOff)
- Temperature/humidity setpoint (TempHum-Sp)
- Temperature/humidity value per degree offset (TempHumValPerDegOff)
The input for temperature and humidity control is operational space humidity (OprSH).
There are no outputs for temperature and humidity control.
The control lowers the current occupied cooling setpoint in one degree increments when the return humidity increases above the temperature/humidity setpoint.
For example, in an occupied mode with an occupied cooling setpoint of 72°F, a temperature/humidity setpoint of 50%, and the temperature/humidity value that = 1° offset at 5%, the following sequences can occur.
- If the operational space humidity rises to 55%, the occupied cooling setpoint is lowered to 71°F. If the return humidity decreases below 55%, the occupied cooling setpoint returns to 72°F.
- If the operational space humidity rises to 60%, the occupied cooling setpoint is lowered to 70°F. If the return humidity decreases below 60%, the occupied cooling setpoint returns to 71°F.