Modulating hot gas reheat is only available for the following values of Unique Equipment Identifier:
2 Stage Cir1 With Single Cir2
Tandem Cir1 With Single Cir2
Inverted Single Cir1 With Single Cir2
The following conditions must be true in order for HGR to start:
HGR-En = Yes
Heating not currently active
Heat to Cool Delay satisfied
OprOcc = Occupied or OprOcc = Unoccupied and HGRUnocc-En = Yes
Space temp is at least 1°F higher than the effective heating setpoint
Have a reliable return air temp and evap coil temp
Compressor associated with HGR must be available (not locked out or disabled)
There is an active cooling demand or SatisfiedDehum = True
HGR will be active as long as one of the following conditions is true:
Use DFS For Dehum = Yes and DFS = Alarm
Use DFS For Dehum = No and OprSH > HGRHum-Sp or HGRUnoccHum-SP depending on OprOcc