Note: See the Operation Space Humidity section.
Setpoints and related data
The setpoints and related data include the following items:
- Hot gas reheat alternate operation enabled (HGRAlt-En)
- Hot gas reheat enabled for operation (HGR-En)
- Hot gas reheat alternate operation writable (HGRAltWrite)
- Hot gas reheat humidity setpoint (HGRHum-Sp)
- HGR unoccupied humidity setpoint (HGRUnoccHum-Sp)
- HGR enabled for unoccupied operation (HGRUnocc-En)
- HGR humidity setpoint differential (HGR-Diff)
- Hybrid mode enable setpoint (Mode)
- Dehumidification % Command (Dehum%Cmd). This is the fan speed while HGR is active.
The input for hot gas reheat is operational space humidity (OprSH).
The output for hot gas reheat is 24 VAC from AUX-HGR to energize the hot gas reheat solenoid.