Setpoints and related data
The setpoints and related data include the following item:
- Thermostat only control enable (Tstat-Only) is set to Yes.
Tstat-Only set to No means all temperature
sensor inputs are active and usable, but Tstat inputs still have priority.
The inputs include the following items:
- 24 VAC to limit switch safety terminal LIMIT, LIM2, LIM3
- 24 VAC to gas valve verification terminal MV, GV2, GV3
- 24 VAC to high/low pressure switches HPS1 through HPS4 and LPS1 through LPS4
- Evaporator coil temperature sensor EC1, EC2, EC3, and EC4
- 24 VAC to thermostat terminals Y1 through Y4
- 24 VAC to thermostat terminals W1 through W3
- Operational outdoor air temperature (OprOAT) from the sensor to the OAT terminal or a communicated value
The outputs include the following items:
- 24 VAC from C1, C2, C3, and C4 compressor outputs
- 24 VAC from CN-Fan and CF2 condenser fan outputs
- 24 VAC from H1, H2, and H3 heat outputs
- 24 VAC from FAN