Electronic fan inlet monitor station BACnet property types - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014365 - RA-1270 - Airflow Measuring Station - RA-1270 Fan Inlet Airflow and Temperature Measurement Station

RA-1270 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Product name
RA-1270 Fan Inlet Airflow and Temperature Measurement Station
Document type
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Document number
Revision date
Product status


R: Read access

W: Write access

Table 1. Device object
Property Type Access Description
Object_Identifier1 BACnetObjectIdentifier R The object number (instance) for the DEV object
Object_Type BACnetObjectType R The DEV object type – DEVICE
Object_Name CharacterString R The DEV object name
System_Status BACnetDeviceStatus R Reflects the current status of the device
Vendor_Name CharacterString R Manufacturer of the device
Vendor_Identifier Unsigned16 R The unique vendor identification code
Model_Name CharacterString R Model of the device
Firmware_Revision CharacterString R Level of firmware installed on the device
Application_Software_Version CharacterString R Version of the application software installed on the device
Protocol_Version Unsigned R Indicates the BACnet protocol version
Protocol_Revision Unsigned R Indicates the BACnet protocol revision
Max_APDU_Length_Accepted Unsigned R Maximum number of octets that may be contained in a single APDU
Segmentation_Supported BACnetSegmentation R Indicates if the device supports segmentation
APDU_Timeout Unsigned R The time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU that requires acknowledgment
Number_Of_APDU_Retries Unsigned R Maximum number of times an APDU is transmitted
Protocol_Services_Supported BACnetServicesSupported R Indicates which standardized protocol services are executed by the device
Protocol_Object_Types_Supported BACnetOBjectTypesSupported R Indicates which standardized object types can be present in the device
Object_List BACnetARRAY[N] of BACnetObjectIdentifier R Indicates the list of objects accessible on the device
Max_Master1 Unsigned(0..127) R The Max Master of the device
Max_Info_Frames Unsigned R The Max Info Frames of the device
Device_Address_Binding BACnetLIST of BACnetAddressBinding R List of Address Bindings
Database_Revision Unsigned R Revision number for the device's database
Property_List BACnetARRAY[N] of BACnetPropertyIdentifier R Array of the supported object properties
Table 2. Notification class object
Property Type Access Description
Object_Identifier BACnetObjectIdentifier R The object number (instance) for the NC object
Object_Type BACnetObjectType R The NC object type – NOTIFICATION_CLASS
Object_Name CharacterString R The NC object name
Notification_Class Unsigned R Indicates the Instance of the Notification_Class
Priority BACnetARRAY[3] of Unsigned R Conveys the priority to be used for event notifications for TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL
Ack_Required BACnetEventTransitionBits R Conveys whether acknowledgment is required for a notification generated for TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULTS, and TO_NORMAL event transitions.
Recipient_List BACnetLIST of BACnetDestination R/W

Conveys a list of up to 1 recipient destinations to which destinations are sent.

Limited to 1 recipient with valid days set to all days, from time as 00:00:00.00, to time as 23:59:59.99 and transitions as (TRUE,TRUE,TRUE)

Property_List BACnetARRAY[N] of BACnetPropertyIdentifier R Array of the supported object properties
Table 3. Analog value object
Property Type Access Description
Object_Identifier BACnetObjectIdentifier R The object number (instance) for the AV object
Object_Type BACnetObjectType R The AV object type – ANALOG_VALUE
Object_Name CharacterString R The AV object name
Present_Value Real R The present float value of the AV object, Temperature or Flow, in the set displayed units
Units2 BACnetEngineeringUnits R

The units of the present value, limits, and deadbands:

62 – Celsius

64 – Fahrenheit

74 – Meters / Second

77 – Feet / Minute

84 – Feet3 / Minute

87 – Liters / Second

88 – Liters / Minute

135 – Meters3 / Hour

142 – Feet3 / Second

191 – Feet3 / Hour

Out_Of_Service Boolean R Boolean that represents if the reported value is not valid, such as during warm up
Status_Flags BACnetStatusFlags R 4 bits that represent if the object is in the following states: IN_ALARM, FAULT, OVERRIDDEN, OUT_OF_SERVICE
Event_State BACnetEventState R Indicates the event state of this object
High_Limit2 Real R The device's high limit that triggers the alarm flags for this object
Low_Limit2 Real R The device's low limit that triggers the alarm flags for this object
Deadband2 Real R The device's set deadband for the object's alarm flag triggering
Time_Delay2 Unsigned R The time delay in seconds for the object's alarm flag triggering
Time_Delay_Normal Unsigned R The time delay in seconds for the object's alarm flag to return to normal
Limit_Enable BACnetLimitEnable R The limit enable bits that represent if the object's alarms have the high and/or low limits enabled: Low_Limit_Enable, High_Limit_Enable
Event_Enable BACnetEventTransitionBits R

Indicates what events are enabled: TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, TO_NORMAL

All are enabled if High and/or Low Limits are enabled.

Acked_Transitions BACnetEventTransitionBits R Indicates the acknowledgment state for events
Event_Detection_Enable Boolean R Indicates whether or not intrinsic reporting is enabled
Notification_Class Unsigned R Indicates the instance of the Notification Class to use for events
Notify_Type BACnetNotifyType R Indicates the notification type – Alarm
Event_Time_Stamps BACnetARRAY[3] of BACnetTimeStamp R Conveys the times of the last TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL events as sequence numbers
Event_Message_Texts BACnetARRAY[3] of CharacterString R Conveys the message text for the last TO_OFFNORMAL, TO_FAULT, and TO_NORMAL events
Event_Message_Texts_Config BACnetARRAY[3] of CharacterString R The base text that defines the message text of Event_Message_Texts
Event_Algorithm_Inhibit Boolean R/W Indicates whether or not the event algorithm is disabled for the object
Event_Algorithm_Inhibit_Ref BACnetObjectPropertyReference R Indicates the property that controls Event_Algorithm_Inhibit - Unintialized
Reliability BACnetReliability R Indicates if the Present_Value is reliable
Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit Boolean R Indicates whether or not reliability evaluation is disabled for the object
Property_List BACnetARRAY[N] of BACnetPropertyIdentifier R Array of the supported object properties
Proprietary(1110)3 BACnetEngineeringUnits R Units for proprietary properties 1112 and 1114. Shares the same enumerations as the Units property
Proprietary(1111)3 CharacterString R Fan Sensor 1 Status
Proprietary(1112)3 Real R Fan Sensor 1 Raw Value
Proprietary(1113)3 CharacterString R Fan Sensor 2 Status (Status only available depending on device settings)
Proprietary(1114)3 Real R Fan Sensor 2 Raw Value (Value only valid depending on device settings)
1 These properties are configured through the configuration menu on the device.
2 These properties are configured through the configuration menu on the device.
3 The proprietary properties are only available on AV objects 3-34.