Point mapping - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014420 - RA-1270 - Airflow Measuring Station - RA-1270 Fan Inlet Airflow and Temperature Measurement Station

RA-1270 Fan Inlet Airflow and Temperature Measurement Station SA Bus Integration Application Note

Controls > Temperature Controls > RA-1270 Fan Inlet Airflow and Temperature Measurement Station
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Application Note
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Revision date

For a list of available data points that you can map into the Equipment Controller for RA-1270 devices, see Table 1. The table headings are as follows:

BACnet object
The ID of a mapped BACnet object.
The name of the data point in the CCT.
The description of the data point in the CCT.
Input/output. The type of data point in the CCT:
  • In indicates input
  • Out indicates output
Access to the data point:
  • R indicates read only
  • W indicates write only
  • R/W indicates read/write. Use the EasyCAF tool to add this data point to miscellaneous inputs if necessary.
Value type
The type of data.
Update rate
How often the data point checks for the value on the SA Bus.
Measuring system
The measuring system in the CCT:
  • Imp indicates imperial measurements
  • Met indicates metric measurements
  • Both indicates both imperial and metrics measurements
Engineering unit
The engineering unit of the data point that depends on the measuring system.
Points that belong to the same application are marked with a check symbol. The header of the column contains the application ID. For the details of each application, see Table 2. In Table 1, each application column header contains a letter to identify the application in Table 2.

Some data points are dependent on one another because a BACnet object can be mapped in the package more than one time to form a group of dependent points. The group is highlighted with the same background in the following table. You can only select either no point, or one point from the group.

Table 1. Data points for RA-1270 SA Bus device
BACnet object Name Description Input/Output Value type Update rate Access Measuring system Engineering unit Application
AV1 T Fan sum. average temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV2 AF Fan sum. airflow volume In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV2 AF Fan sum. airflow volume In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV2 AF Fan sum. airflow volume In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV2 AV Fan sum. airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV3 F1T Fan 1 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV4 F1AF Fan 1 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV4 F1AF Fan 1 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV4 F1AF Fan 1 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV4 F1AV Fan 1 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV5 F2T Fan 2 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV6 F2AF Fan 2 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV6 F2AF Fan 2 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV6 F2AF Fan 2 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV6 F2AV Fan 2 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV7 F3T Fan 3 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV8 F3AF Fan 3 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV8 F3AF Fan 3 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV8 F3AF Fan 3 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV8 F3AV Fan 3 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV9 F4T Fan 4 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV10 F4AF Fan 4 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV10 F4AF Fan 4 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV10 F4AF Fan 4 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV10 F4AV Fan 4 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV11 F5T Fan 5 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV12 F5AF Fan 5 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV12 F5AF Fan 5 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV12 F5AF Fan 5 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV12 F5AV Fan 5 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV13 F6T Fan 6 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV14 F6AF Fan 6 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV14 F6AF Fan 6 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV14 F6AF Fan 6 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV14 F6AV Fan 6 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV15 F7T Fan 7 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV16 F7AF Fan 7 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV16 F7AF Fan 7 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV16 F7AF Fan 7 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV16 F7AV Fan 7 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV17 F8T Fan 8 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV18 F8AF Fan 8 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV18 F8AF Fan 8 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV18 F8AF Fan 8 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV18 F8AV Fan 8 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV19 F9T Fan 9 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV20 F9AF Fan 9 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV20 F9AF Fan 9 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV20 F9AF Fan 9 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV20 F9AV Fan 9 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV21 F10T Fan 10 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV22 F10AF Fan 10 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV22 F10AF Fan 10 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV22 F10AF Fan 10 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV22 F10AV Fan 10 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV23 F11T Fan 11 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV24 F11AF Fan 11 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV24 F11AF Fan 11 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV24 F11AF Fan 11 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV24 F11AV Fan 11 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV25 F12T Fan 12 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV26 F12AF Fan 12 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV26 F12AF Fan 12 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV26 F12AF Fan 12 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV26 F12AV Fan 12 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV27 F13T Fan 13 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV28 F13AF Fan 13 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV28 F13AF Fan 13 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV28 F13AF Fan 13 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV28 F13AV Fan 13 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV29 F14T Fan 14 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV30 F14AF Fan 14 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV30 F14AF Fan 14 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV30 F14AF Fan 14 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV30 F14AV Fan 14 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV31 F15T Fan 15 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV32 F15AF Fan 15 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV32 F15AF Fan 15 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV32 F15AF Fan 15 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV32 F15AV Fan 15 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
AV33 F16T Fan 16 temperature In Float 6 s R Imp °F
Met °C
AV34 F16AF Fan 16 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/s
Met l/s
AV34 F16AF Fan 16 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/min
Met l/min
AV34 F16AF Fan 16 airflow In Float 3 s R Imp ft3/h
Met m3/h
AV34 F16AV Fan 16 airflow velocity In Float 3 s R Imp ft/min
Met m/s
Table 2. Applications for RA-1270 SA Bus device
Application ID Application name and units Comment
A Airflow [l/s, ft3/s] Airflow in l/s or ft3/s units
B Airflow [l/min, ft3/min] Airflow in l/min or ft3/min units
C Airflow [m3/h, ft3/h] Airflow in m3/h or ft3/h units
D Airflow velocity [m/s, ft/min] Airflow velocity in m/s or ft/min units