To integrate the RA-1270, you need the following components:
- A configured RA-1270 device.
- A programmable Equipment Controller that runs firmware version or later. The 11.0 firmware is present in the Metasys field controller packages bundle or later, available from the License Portal.
- Version or higher of the JC_SA_BusDevicePackages.jcpkg SA Bus package file, available from the License Portal.
- An interface to commission the Equipment Controller. This includes MAP Gateway, Connected Workflow Wireless MS/TP Converter (CWCVT), Supervisor Passthru, or direct Ethernet.
- The following software tools:
- Package importer
- CCT 16.0 or later
- Optional: EasyCAF
- Licenses:
- Metasys field controller packages
- JC SA Bus device packages
- Optional: EasyCAF