Plant Optimizer is a local on-premises application that offers the
following operational roles and associated role permissions for each role:
- Guest – can view all data and reports in the Plant Optimizer local instance.
- Campus Schedule Editor - same permissions as Guest, but can also edit campus schedules, and in doing so add Audit Log note.
- Service Schedule Editor – same permissions as Campus Schedule Editor but can also edit equipment out-of-service or must-run schedules.
- Predictions Editor – same permissions as Service Schedule Editor, but can also override load predictions, utility pricing, and weather predictions.
- Operating Mode Editor – same permissions as Predictions Editor, but can also change the Operating Mode, Auto vs Advisory.
- Economic Demand Response Editor – same permissions as Operating Mode Editor but can also override demand response program participation.
- Admin - can configure the application and provision user accounts.
Plant Simulator is a cloud-based application that offers the following
user roles and associated role permissions:
- Project Reviewer – view-only access to see all data associated with specific projects including simulation results.
- Project Modeler – same permissions as Project Reviewer for specific projects, but can also configure units and campus schedules, edit models, edit data inputs, edit scenarios, run simulations, and can copy, or share, projects with other users to review.
- Admin (Johnson Controls only) – can view information for all projects, can create, modify, and delete users, and can delete projects or restore deleted projects. Admins have access to user names, can trigger a password reset, and can reassign project ownership.