Configuring your site - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013036 - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - OBEM Central Utility Plant Optimization - v2024.Q2

OpenBlue Plant Optimizer Administration and User Guide

Building Automation Systems > Central Plant Optimization > OBEM Central Utility Plant Optimization
Document type
Administration Guide
User Guide
Document number
Revision date

Configure your logo picture, site locale, time zone, currency, units of measurement, and geographical coordinates. To configure your site, complete the following steps:


  1. In the Administration interface, from the menu bar at the top of the page, select Configuration.
  2. In the Customer tab, click Find Logo to browse for a picture file to replace the current logo.
  3. From the Site Locale, Site Time Zone, and Reporting Currency lists, select a site locale, time zone, and currency.
    Translation options for Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish are available in the Site Locale list.
    Note: If you modify your reporting currencies after CUP ingests utility cost data, CUP does not convert the cost data to reflect the new reporting currency value.
  4. Use the Reporting measurement system section to select the standard for the unit of measurement that you want to display in Plant Optimizer. Select US Customary or International.
    Note: The units of measure for individual commodities can also be set in the Optimization tab.
  5. In the Weather fields, enter the geographical coordinates and elevation of your site. CUP retrieves weather data from the nearest weather data source according to the information that you enter in the Weather fields.
  6. Click Save.


CUP enables configuration changes after Johnson Controls restarts the web service. For more information, contact Johnson Controls Support.