Adding a demand limit - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013036 - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - OBEM Central Utility Plant Optimization - v2024.Q2

OpenBlue Plant Optimizer Administration and User Guide

Building Automation Systems > Central Plant Optimization > OBEM Central Utility Plant Optimization
Document type
Administration Guide
User Guide
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Add a demand limit to ensure optimization dispatches do not result in electric power demand that exceeds a maximum limit. The maximum limit is defined by you or your utility contract, not to exceed a maximum threshold for demand in a season, day type, or time of day.

About this task

In the demand limit, you can add constant and time of use demand limit values. To add a demand limit, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation bar, click Future Inputs and select Utility Pricing.
  2. Click Add Demand Limit.
  3. In the Add Demand Limit Plan window, from the Demand Plan Structure, select from two options:
    • Constant for a single demand limit.
    • Time of Use for multiple rates, depending on the season, day of the week, or time of day.
  4. For Constant demand limit, from the Start Month and Start Year lists and the End Month and End Year lists, select a start month and year, and an end month and year.
    1. In the Demand Limit field, enter a limit.
    2. Enter a reason for the change of demand limit, and click Save.
  5. For Time of Use, in the Name field, enter a name for Season 1.
    1. From the Start Month and Start Year lists and the End Month and End Year lists, select a start month and year, and an end month and year for Season 1.
    2. Select from All Week, Weekdays, and Weekends. Click Add Time Slot and select an option from the list. When you select an option you can enter the time parameters and enter a demand limit.
    3. Click Add Season to add different rates for different time periods. You can add a maximum of three seasons.
    4. Enter a reason for the change of demand limit, and click Save.