Downloading technical support files - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013036 - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - v2023.Q4

OpenBlue Plant Optimizer Administration and User Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Central Utility Plant
Document type
Administration Guide
User Guide
Document number
Revision date

You can download technical support files to help troubleshoot problems. This includes a zip file of all the logs and optimization input files for a user-defined time period that you can share with Johnson Controls Level 3 (L3) Technical Support if a Level 2 support team cannot diagnose or resolve the issue.

To download the technical support files, complete the following steps:
  1. In the Administration interface, from the menu at the top of the page, click L3 Support Files.
  2. From the Select Date calendar, select the date. From the Start Time and End Time lists, select the times. You can select the times for a maximum of four hours, for example if you select the start time of 1 A.M., then the maximum end time is 5 A.M.
  3. Click Export.

When you click export, a zip file exports that contains the log files and the JSON files. The files include the host file log, optimization log, availability report and logs, SEER logs, and all saved optimization JSON files for that time period. Typically optimization full JSON files are only saved for failed dispatches. The log files contain data for one day. However, the JSON files generate every 15 minutes, which is why there is a four-hour selection limit.