Data Latency Performance Dashboard - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013036 - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - OpenBlue Central Utility Plant - v2023.Q4

OpenBlue Plant Optimizer Administration and User Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Central Utility Plant
Document type
Administration Guide
User Guide
Document number
Revision date

You can use the dashboard to view the data latency for Northbound traffic from the plant automation system to Plant Optimizer in cloud-based CUP deployments that are integrated with OpenBlue Enterprise Manager.

The line chart plots minimum, maximum, and median time to write values to the OpenBlue CUP-Open Application Server (CUP-OAS) for a user-specified time period. The Latency Summary pie chart summarizes the number of points transferred in less than 2 seconds, between 2 to 5 seconds, between 5 to 20 seconds, between 20 to 40 seconds, or more than 40 seconds for the same user-specified time period as the line chart.

The Administrator Users can use the table to view the latency time to write to CUP-OAS for individual data points listing the point names in both the OpenBlue CUP schema and the OBEM schema. You can search for an individual point ID or fully qualified reference (FQR) to see a more detailed breakdown of latency into After Processing Time, Time to Reach CUP, CUP Processing Duration, Time to Update CUP-OAS.

  1. In the Administration interface, select Dashboard from the menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. From Graph Type list, you can select Min, Max, or Median. You can select all types at the same time.
  3. From Date Range list, you can select from a number of different time period options ranging from the Last 30 minutes to the Last 30 days.
  4. Click Generate Chart.

    The graph generates in the left pane and a chart of the Latency Summary generates in the right pane.

In the table at the bottom of the Dashboard page, you can view the points that are in use and their updated values. Click Export to CSV to download the table.