The Utility Cost page displays information such as the utility suppliers on site, if the equipment is currently in use, and the actual cost and potential cost in $/Hr.
The Actual Cost and Potential Cost for utility suppliers display in $/Hr, this is useful for
sites with multiple suppliers as you can view the actual and potential costs of
suppliers, make comparisons, and manually select the supplier you want to use based on
cost effectiveness.
Note: For sites with multiple suppliers,
Johnson Controls needs to map additional plant automation system points that
indicate which supplier is in use to the OpenBlue Plant Optimizer.
You can also use a 30-day extrapolation at a current usage rate to view the sum of Actual Cost (for the supplier in use) and Potential Cost (for the supplier not in use).
The Hourly Cost History column provides hyperlinks to the trend chart for the selected supplier and the Utility Pricing Rates column provides hyperlinks to the utility pricing graphs.