Report analysis tools - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014122 - OpenBlue - OpenBlue Healthy Buildings

OpenBlue Indoor Air Quality Audit Service Product Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Healthy Buildings
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Product Bulletin
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Space by space hourly level occurrences:
This summary provides a quick overview of conditions for each area of interest for each hour of usage. This enables identification of underused and overused spaces.
Figure 1. Report analysis graph

Space by space summary of condition:
This summary ranks the performance of each space as it relates to the area of interest. This enables prioritization of remediation.
Figure 2. Condition summary graph

Outlier analysis:
We use performance difference from average spaces to evaluate each area of interest. This enables identification of special space utilization and provides a path for specific remediation.
Figure 3. Outlier graph

Raw data:
For each space we provide graphical representation of raw data.
Figure 4. Raw data display

Recommendation report:
While these analyses are powerful, data can become overwhelming. Our WELL AP engineer reviews the analysis, highlights important findings, considers your objectives, and uses your floor plan to provide geographical context. This appears in the conclusion of the report.