Enhancements - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013755 - Software Application - OpenBlue Enterprise Manager - 4.6

OpenBlue Enterprise Manager Release Notes

Product name
OpenBlue Enterprise Manager
Document type
Release Notes
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Revision date
Table 1. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability enhancements
Package Module Details Benefit
Net Zero Advisor and Net Zero Advisor Plus Sustainability Manager

Net Zero Advisor widget enhancements

The default time frame in Net Zero Advisor widgets is set to the current year at the portfolio, location, and building levels.

The following time lines are available to view for the GHG Emission Totals
  • One month
  • One year

Displaying Year-to-Date data by default is more likely to provide insight to the user upon arriving to the page, particularly if utility bill data has not yet arrived for the current month.

Provides users with more flexibility and control over the date selection for widgets display in Net Zero Advisor.

Net Zero Advisor Energy Manager Simplification of Energy Manager for Net Zero Advisor package.

The following dashboards are unavailable if the building or location uses utility bill data:

  • Estimated Cost Trends
  • Energy Forecast
  • Consumption By Load Type
  • Consumption Profiling
  • Demand Profiling
  • Data Spike

The user will have a data rich experience when utility bills are the main data source. The improvement will reduce blank dashboards or invalid timeline options.

The following modified timeline selections are available in Energy Manager widgets:
  • Three months
  • Six months
  • One year
  • Custom
    • Last month
    • Year until date
Data aggregation displays in monthly aggregation only.
Net Zero Advisor Plus Energy Manager

Electric Vehicles charging station monitoring.

EV charger, a new Meter Load type, is available for users when they create an electric meter.

In addition, ChargePoint is a new supported cloud-to-cloud connector available through OpenBlue Cloud. The EV charger meter load type helps users to compare different load types including their electric vehicles charging stations.

Monitor electric vehicle charging displays in the following existing Energy Manager widgets:
  • Consumption by load type
  • Energy utilities consumption
  • Consumption at floor and wing level
Net Zero Advisor and Net Zero Advisor Plus Utility Bill Manager

OBEM integrates with the utility bill data platform to provide a more automated and efficient service to ensure users have the most accurate and current utility data at their disposal.

This helps with informed decision making and could lead to significant cost savings for the user.

  • Reliably automate the transfer of billing data
  • Reduce manual effort
  • Eliminate errors in data entry
  • Streamline analysis of utility consumption and costs
Net Zero Advisor and Net Zero Advisor Plus Utility Bill Manager Support for three new commodities:
  • Waste
  • Recycled waste
  • Refrigerant
Note: Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions reporting for refrigerant loss is planned for a future OBEM release.
  • Users can input and record refrigerant types and usage details to help accurately track and manage refrigerant usage across buildings.
  • Integrate waste management bills for waste and recycled waste by building.
Net Zero Advisor and Net Zero Advisor Plus Sustainability Manager

Glassbox integration

The adoption of Glassbox for the Sustainability Manager application will provide better user analytics.

Through the use of journey maps and workflows, Johnson Controls will better understand how customers use OBEM to complete jobs.

  • Understand where users are struggling or abandoning tasks and the potential causes. For example, slow load time or API calls, form validation errors, and long focus time.
  • View which features users are using or not using to see which content is engaging. Identify features that can be sunset or need a redesign for engagement.
Net Zero Advisor and Net Zero Advisor Plus   Localization enhancements

French-Canadian user interface option is available in OBEM.

Improved German template localization.

Table 2. Space, Wellbeing, and Productivity enhancements
Package Module Details Benefit
Workplace Advisor Indoor Air Quality Space Performance

Clean Air Delivery and Indoor Air Quality Score widget

Users can see the trends of the Clean Air Delivery score and the IAQ score at the zone level as a graph or table.

This helps the user to establish the correlation between poor air quality and its contributing parameters.
Workplace Advisor Indoor Air Quality Space Performance

Indoor Air Quality Graphs

New graphs are available at the building level in the Space Performance module in the Air Quality tab. Using the building navigation within the bottom widget, users can drill down to the zone level to see the trends of the IAQ Score and IAQ parameters as graphs or tables.

The IAQ Score graph shows how the IAQ Score for the zone changes throughout the day and shows up to 30 days of history.

The IAQ Parameters graph shows how the IAQ parameters for the zone change throughout the day and shows up to 30 days of history. Up to two different parameters can be selected to display on the same graph at the same time, for example CO2 and PM2.5, and up to three different IAQ devices for each parameter may be selected to compare different device readings on the same graph.

This helps the user to establish the correlation between poor indoor air quality and its contributing parameters. Users can quickly view how the following parameters contribute to the IAQ score:

  • CO2
  • Humidity
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • Temperature
  • VOC
Workplace Advisor Space Space Performance

The Room Utilization Comparison widget is available in the new Comparisons tab at the Portfolio level in Space Performance.

This widget shows the utilization values along with booked meeting utilization, using the MS Teams booking information, for all meeting spaces under that portfolio for different user-selectable time periods.

Use filters to drill down to a specific space to observe how the rooms are performing.

Facility managers can use the new widget to complete the following tasks:
  • Proactively repurpose meeting spaces by understanding their utilization patterns.
  • Understand if larger rooms are getting consistently underutilized and determine if they require repurposing.
Critical Environments Advisor Report

Critical Environments Advisor report

A new report is available to generate from the Report module, then under the Healthy Buildings Reports tab. The report can be generated for Location, Building, Floor, or Wing levels, and up to 30 critical spaces can then be added to the report. When generated, this new formatted Excel-file report shows the compliance analysis summary and details for the three monitored parameters of temperature, humidity, and pressure. These parameters are compared against compliance thresholds configured for the critical spaces. The report can be scheduled for delivery daily or weekly to user- selected emails.

Users can view the compliance and noncompliance ratings for each of the spaces along with a summary which allows users to take action and ensure they meet compliance.
Workplace Advisor Space Advanced reports

Car Parking Insights report

OBEM supports integration with Park Agility Parking System. Users can analyze the occupancy and the utilization of car parking areas.

Users can understand if there are parking spaces which are not being used. Users can also drill down to view other information such as unoccupied hours and filter by weekday or weekend.
Table 3. Operational Efficiency and Equipment Performance enhancements
Package Module Details Benefit
Equipment Performance Advisor and Equipment Performance Advisor Plus Asset Manager Create a custom widget in Define dashboard and map up to 20 different points to view real-time data for binary, multi-state, and noncumulative analog points in a tabular form. The table displays the point name, template name, value, and last updated time. Quickly view real time data relating to user-selected.
Operation Overview widget displays real time data Add real time data to the existing Operation Overview widgets.
Localization enhancements German language templates available
Equipment Performance Advisor Asset Manager 25 High Impact Monetization Framework Fault Detection and Diagnostic Global rules available for Equipment Performance Advisor users.

Users can use the Global rules to configure default equipment fault rules that diagnose known issues that can occur with equipment. Users can assign a fault rule to equipment and when that fault occurs in the system, the fault automatically fills relevant widgets on the dashboards, showing the number of times the fault occurs, and the duration that the fault persists in the system.

Equipment Performance Advisor Plus Service Manager Third-party CMMS integration with OBEM to manage Work Orders. When a work order is created in OBEM, the customer CMMS can assign the work order to an individual or team. The work order status is visible in Service Manager.

Users can use the integration to raise the work order with third party CMMS system and sync the status of ticket back in OBEM. CMMS system will manage the ticket lifecycle.

OBEM users can see the CMMS system and CMMS work order ID.

Enabled a new CMMS Integration with CBRE SI7 Service tool. A new CMMS integration with SBRE SI-7 platform to help users manage work orders.