Fault dashboards - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012497 - Software Application - OpenBlue Enterprise Manager - 4.7

OpenBlue Enterprise Manager Product Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Enterprise Manager
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Product Bulletin
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Fault dashboards help you to quickly and easily identify what spaces are affected by faults. Dashboards cover both dimensions of Fault Counts and Fault Duration. The percentage deviation gives an easy view of the fault trend compared to the last period. Fault dashboards provide the following benefits:

  • Complete view of faults
  • Prioritize faults
  • Categorical distinguishing of faults
  • Fault By Space: Shows fault count and duration at the selected space level
  • Fault By Equipment Category: Shows fault count and duration at the selected equipment category level
  • Fault by Type: Shows Fault Count and Duration by Fault Types:
    • Easy navigation to get to the Fault root-cause with the Space to Equipment link from equipment to the points causing Fault View (Fault Trend View)
    • Details of Faults at varying levels: by floor, wing, room, or meter
    • Top Five Faults
    • Faults Trend
    • Muting and unmuting faults
  • Viewer with Fault Summary: Displays a 3D image of a building or floor with the location of the faults impacting assets. The Viewer displays the top 10 priority equipment faults and a summary of fault count, fault duration, and cost impact. The fault details page shows the impacted assets and impacted spaces associated with an equipment fault.

    You can directly choose an asset from the 3D Viewer to access the available point names along with their templates and corresponding latest values.

    You can directly choose an asset from the 3D Viewer to access the available commandable points. You can review already set commands for a point. You can define a command for the selected row, from the available Command Details bottom drawer slide, and release an individual point or all the points and send it to the BAS value.

    You can directly choose a camera device from the viewer and access video feeds with the associated camera. The video feeds section is visible, with the operations data and command and controls section. The video feeds section provides the corresponding live feed from the selected camera device. The live video feed appears in a new window with the play and stop functionality.

Use the search function to search for data such as equipment names or fault names. Click a fault to reveal the details. A single fault may have multiple diagnostics. Each diagnostic runs an equation and OBEM calculates its duration separately. The diagnostic with the highest duration shows at the top, which helps you to decide the most probable diagnostic.

Each diagnostic can have multiple reasons mapped. Click a particular diagnostic to view the mapped reasons.

You can associate monetization impact with the faults and can create cost expression for the electricity and thermal impact.

The equipment relationship gives the fault status of the parent or child equipment, using a color code of red (fault) and green (no fault).

Click an item of equipment to navigate to the FDD dashboard of the respective equipment.

If there are multiple fault trends associated with a fault, synchronized zooming allows you to simultaneously zoom on all trend widgets with a single click.

Fault Trends are also displayed in different colors to indicate the occurrence of a fault. Colors depend upon the fault priority, Critical, High, Medium, and Low, so that you can easily distinguish fault trends based on priority.

You can navigate to Fault trends from the trend chart with the navigation buttons.