Reports - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012497 - Software Application - OpenBlue Enterprise Manager - 4.1

OpenBlue Enterprise Manager Product Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Enterprise Manager
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Product Bulletin
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Energy Report by Meter
Helps you to see the Consumption, Demand and Power Factor Trending data for the selected meters, in a selected period. It supports multiple commodities as well.
Energy Report by Meter
Helps you to see the Consumption, Demand and Power Factor Trending data for the selected meters, over a selected period. It supports multiple commodities.
Example: If you want to generate a report of all the main meters of the building and see how its consumption, demand and power factor are trending for the current period, and also view the deviation compared to the previous period, this report can provide access to this data.
Energy Comparison Report by Meter
Compares Consumption data and maximum Demand data for different meters for the same period.
Example: If you want to compare Meters from Building 1 and Building 2, that have the same area and hours of operation, this report does the comparison, allowing you to see the difference between these two building meters.
Energy Comparison Report by Period for Meter
Compares a single meter’s Consumption and Max Demand for different periods.
Example: If you want to compare the meter catering to HVAC load this summer compared to last summer, and look for any deviations, this report helps you to see this information.
Equipment Fault Summary Report
Provides the daily digest of faults related to equipment. Report supports user-configurable schedules for delivering the reports to the Inbox through email.
Energy Comparison Report by Location
Compares the Consumption and Max Demand of different spaces, for the same period. There is a data normalization feature along with the normal comparison which, when selected, eliminates the effect of weather.
Example: If a Building Owner wants to compare the consumption or demand of Floor 1 and Floor 2 that are leased to the same company, the Owner can use this report to view the two floors that were responsible for the max demand that resulted in a penalty.
Energy Comparison Report by Period for Location
Compares the Consumption and Max Demand for the same space but for different periods. There is a data weather normalization feature along with the normal comparison that, when selected, eliminates the effect of weather. The Weather Normalization feature enhances this capability by normalizing the effect of weather on this building.
Example: If you want to compare the Consumption from Building 1 from winter of this year to winter of last year, you can do that and see what changes have occurred.
Meter data quality report

Provides you with data related to meter points. This report covers:

  • Points which are offline
  • Points which have spikes
  • Points which have no change in data.

All these data have duration of these anomalies and spike value along with the cleaned value. Detailed analysis is provided in the report with respect to the meter involved, point name, space, and duration

Equipment Report - Chilled Water Set point Optimization Report
Provides the value of showing the user how well the chiller outlet temperature is maintained. It includes insight of the chiller outlet set point by comparing it against the building load in the form of the number of chilled water valves opened. It shows you if the chilled outlet temperature is still kept low, in spite of the fact chilled that the valves are in a closed position.
Energy Impact Fault Monetization Report
Shows the impact of the fault and cost associated with the fault left open by the building. It also provides rules, and displays the impact that the rules have on consumption and cost. The report also provides insight on the consumption and cost occurred with equipment due to faults.
Equipment Fault Summary Report
Provides the daily digest of faults related to equipment.
Fault Detail by Equipment Type Report
You can create a report for a specific location to validate which pieces of equipment are generating the maximum number of faults in a selected time period. Only one location can be dropped per report, and all buildings under that location will be considered for report generation. You can download the report offline into Excel or CSV, or download only the graphs if desired.
AHU Performance Report
Shows AHU maintenance task based on the predefined FDD and PVT data.
Operational Anomaly Report
Outlines deficiency in facility based on the data from PVT and FDD result and helps with actionable insights.
Alarm Report by Building
This report displays the count of faults for each equipment category for the selected buildings. Compare buildings in terms of fault counts by indicating a building that needs attention and an equipment category that needs to be focused on. This report also contains the total faults, acknowledged faults, unacknowledged faults, average duration of a fault, total duration of the faults and average time to acknowledge each fault.
Alarm Report by Time Series
This report displays the alarm data from each system for each day. View the total alarm count for each system, active duration of the alarm, average duration for an alarm and average time taken by the user to acknowledge the alarm. Use this data to understand the impact of alarm and its associated responsiveness to be taken by the personnel to act on it. This report is only available with Alarm Manager.
Chiller Plant Efficiency by Building
This report provides an efficiency summary of the chiller plants that serve the respective buildings selected.. You can view energy consumption and output of each plant in terms of tonnage for plants of each building. This helps to focus on the least efficient plant and maintain them better.
Chiller Plant Efficiency by Month
This report displays a comparative view of chiller plant efficiency for multiple buildings for multiple months. You can compare and see how the chiller plant efficiency has trended or changed over certain period of time. This helps to compare and compare different chiller plants.
Energy Consumption & Efficiency Report by Building
This report helps to compare the energy consumption and EUI for different buildings and the water consumption and WUI for different buildings. Comparing buildings for energy and water consumption and efficiencies helps to determine the most efficient and least efficient buildings to prioritize.
Fault Report by Building
This report displays the count of faults for each equipment category for the selected buildings. Compare buildings in terms of fault counts by indicating a building that needs attention and an equipment category that needs to be focused on. This report also contains the total faults, acknowledged faults, unacknowledged faults, average duration of a fault, total duration of the faults and average time to acknowledge each fault.
Fault Report by Time Series
This report displays the fault count from each equipment category on a time series plot for a given building. View data for total fault occurrences, active duration of the fault, average duration of the fault and average time taken to acknowledge the fault from each equipment category for a given period. This helps to understand the trend of fault coming from all equipment categories and its associated response by personnel.
Detailed Fault Report by Equipment
This report displays the comparison of fault count by equipment type and time to acknowledge those faults. View the total fault duration of the faults under these equipment types. This helps to compare faults for each equipment type and what the response time taken is to acknowledge this fault.
Fault Statistics by Priority
This report displays the statistics of fault based on its priority. View statistics that include total count, duration, total cost, average duration of a fault, average time to acknowledge fault for each priority of the fault. This helps to understand the data behind each priority of the fault for the selected space.

Utility Bill Management Reporting includes 5 key reports including:

Utility Bill Usage and Cost Report
This report gives a total view of the Consumption, Spend and Cost per consumption, on each commodity, for the selected period and for the selected building, or a group of buildings. You can get data at a monthly or yearly level.
Utility Bill Gap Report
The Gap Report uncovers and presents a gap in billing to the user. It looks for the billing period and the reporting frequency of invoices for each account, and helps you to understand if there are any gaps in accounts.
Utility Bill Detail Report
The bill detail report presents you with a breakdown of the bill, consolidated at each building or multiple buildings. The breakdown is done for the following categories; Consumption, Demand, Fees, Penalties, Miscellaneous and Taxes.
Utility Bill Comparison Report By Cost
This report helps you to compare the spend appearing in multiple invoices, for the accounts under the selected building. The cost comparison and percentage deviation is shown to you on a monthly or yearly basis, helping you to keep track of the utility spend and analyze it for an improving and deteriorating trend.
Utility Bill Comparison Report by Consumption
This report helps you to compare the Consumption component appearing in multiple invoices, for the accounts under the selected building, or a group of buildings. The consumption comparison and percentage deviation is shown to you on a monthly or yearly basis, helping you to keep track of utility consumption and analyze it for an improving or deteriorating trend.
Report Scheduling
Provides the option to trigger reports automatically based on a periodic or time-based schedule and then email reports to applicable users.
Report Template
Provides the option to select, configure, and store the parameters used in the report as a predefined template, for fast report generation at a later date. You have the ability to edit the saved templates for use at a later time.