Use an inventory of current data points for pre-planning and configuration. Organize your point inventory by the relevant equipment and meter types. For multi-building portfolios, separate your data point by building, for example:
- BLDG-1.AHU-1
- BLDG-1.AHU-2
The following lists contain examples of equipment types and meter types in OBEM:
Equipment types
- Air handling unit
- Variable area volume box
- Precision air conditioner
- Fan coil unit
- Chiller
- Cooling tower
- Primary chilled water pump
- Secondary chilled water pump
- Tertiary chilled water pump
- Condenser water pump
- Boiler
- Exhaust fan
Meter types
- Electrical energy meter
- Water meter
- Gas meter
- Diesel meter
- BTU meter
Miscellaneous points
List of any other relevant data points specific to user and location requirements. For example, outside air temperature sensors and weather sensors.
For a comprehensive overview of all equipment types and meter types that OBEM supports, see Appendix A of the OpenBlue Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide (LIT-12012432).
For multi-building portfolios, separate your data points and equipment by building and ensure that the names of all points and equipment indicate their building of origin.
If you already have OBEM or another BAS system installed, use the same names for points and equipment in OBEM that the current system uses.
NOTE: OBEM users may already have some of this data in the ontology tree section of the OBEM System Configuration Tool (SCT), which contains information about the building system’s structure.