The UI provides the user with the following functionalities at a minimum:
- Define new dashboards through simple point and click
- Select or deselect out-of-the box KPIs and dashboards to be displayed in each of the individual applications
- View deeper analytics behind each of the KPIs through easy-to-read KPI Cards
- View graphical displays an operator can perform access and manipulation of the UI functions as specified
- Reconfigure dashboard layout using intuitive drag and drop feature
- Select from multiple color themes
- Define unit of measure for locations based on the countries that the locations are present; for a customer having locations in different countries, the unit of measure is represented in what is used in those countries. Users have the ability to view units of measure not local to the location, but also have a single view to see the entire portfolio in the unit of measure.
- Define temperature, Fahrenheit and Celsius
- Define currency
- Ability to quickly view data for multiple time frames
- Export in multiple formats (CSV, PDF, SNG, PNG, JPEG)
- Logically organize dashboards by filters and tabs based on user-defined criteria such as physical location, logical aggregation, type of meters, and type of charts.
- Define units of measure for commodities:
- Water: US Gal, cu. ft., cu m, kl, l Imp Gal
- Electricity: kWh, MWh, Wh, GWh
- Electrical Demand: kW, MW, W, GW
- Hot Water (thermal): Btu, kBtu, MMBTU, kWh, MWh
- High Temperature Hot Water (thermal): BTU, KBTU, MMBTU, KWh, MWh
- Chilled Water (Thermal): Btu, kBtu, MMBTU, kWh, MWh
- Compressed Air (Pressure): Bar, Millibar, psi, torr, atmosphere, pascal, kg/cm2, kilopascal, inches of water, feet of water, mm of water, inches of mercury, mm of mercury, hectopascal, cms of mercury, cms of water
- Compressed Air (Volume): milliliters, liters, cubic meters, US Gallons, Imperial Gallons, Cubic feet, cubic inches, kiloliters, hundred cubic feet, thousand cubic feet, million cubic feet, US kilogallons
- Waste: Pound, Kilogram, US Ton, Imperial Ton, Grams, Megagrams, Ounce, Million Pounds, Milligrams, Kilo pounds
- Gas: ccf, cu ft, cu m, Mef, therm, dekatherm, L, MMCF
- Steam: lb, Mlb, klb
- Fuel Oil: Imp Gallon, kl
- Propane: US Gal, kl, l Imp Gal
- Diesel: US Gal, kl, l Imp Gal
- Sewage: Imperial Gallon