Tenant Manager dashboards - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013739 - Software Application - OpenBlue Enterprise Manager - 4.4

OpenBlue Enterprise Manager Guide Specification

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > OpenBlue Enterprise Manager
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Users can select the KPI cards and graphics to display on the dashboards.

Tenant manager KPIs

The Tenant Manager dashboard includes the following KPI cards and graphics at the portfolio and location levels that provides the building owner with a short summary of the portfolio:

  • Portfolio and Location Details displays the total rented area across the portfolio, and the total tenant occupied area.
  • Average Days-To-Lease informs the building owner of the average days taken to obtain a new tenant when an existing tenant has left. This helps the building owner prioritize vacant areas that need new tenants.
  • Tenant Space Utilization helps the building owner understand how well-utilized the tenant space is. The KPI card displays two key pieces of information, including occupancy rate, how much of the tenant-rented space is actually currently occupied by tenants, and turnover rate, how many tenants have left in comparison with the number of tenants remaining, as a percentage.
  • Anchor Tenants provides the anchor tenant information, for example, the number of locations occupied by anchor tenants and the area, that helps a location manager to focus separately on anchor tenants.
  • Deviation Analysis informs the user of the difference between the location level main meters, and the sum of all tenant meters under the location. This helps assess if any calibrations are required for the meters to bridge the error.
  • Tenant Area Distribution provides a trend view of changes in area between anchor tenant and other tenants over a period of a year. This helps the building owner to understand whether the anchor tenant area has increased or decreased compared to other tenants, over the period of a year.
  • Lease Expiry provides the complete list of tenants whose lease expires soon, helping to facilitate decisions for lease renewals.

Location level dashboards

The features available at the location level include:

  • EUI By Tenant provides a view of either electrical usage consumption per area, or demand per area. This helps the building owner to normalize consumption, taking the area into consideration. EUI is defined as energy per square foot, and it is calculated by dividing the total energy consumed by the building, measured in kBtu or GJ, by the total gross floor area of the building. The EUI by tenant graph helps the building owner to see which tenant is consuming more, so that the building owner can then suggest to tenants to decrease their consumption.
  • Consumption By Tenant provides a view of electrical consumption of each tenant under the selected location. This helps the building owner to assess and then inform the tenants that are consuming more than others.
  • Tenant Summary provides a view of all tenants last billed energy consumption, peak demand, and cost. View or download bills for each tenant.
  • Anchor Tenant Summary provides a view of all anchor tenants last billed energy consumption, peak demand, and cost. View or download bills for each anchor tenant.
  • Cost Calculation provides information on how the cost associated with the effective rates are calculated for each commodity for the selected building, helping the building owner to understand how tenants are being billed automatically.
  • Lease Expiry provides a yearly view of the lease period of various tenants under the selected building, providing the building owner a holistic view of tenants whose lease is about to expire and renew them.

Building level dashboards

The features available at the building level include:

  • Energy Cost Intensity provides the total consumption of the selected building for each area. This helps the building owner to understand the spend for each area for the buildings that they are responsible for.
  • Consumption By Tenant provides a view of electrical consumption of each tenant under the selected location. This helps the building owner to assess and inform tenants with a higher consumption rate.
  • Consumption Breakdown provides the breakdown of consumption in terms of tenant load, vacant load, and common load. This helps the building owner to prioritize the buildings where vacant load is higher to allocate tenants.
  • EUI By Tenant provides a view of either electrical usage consumption for each area, or demand for each area. This helps the building owner to normalize consumption, taking the area into consideration. EUI is defined as energy per square foot and is calculated by dividing the total energy consumed by the building, measured in kBtu or GJ, by the total gross floor area of the building. The EUI by tenant graph helps the building owner to see which tenant is consuming more and suggest to tenants to decrease their consumption.
  • Tenant Summary provides a view of all tenants last billed energy consumption, peak demand, and cost. View or download bills for each tenant.
  • Anchor Tenant Summary provides a view of all anchor tenants last billed energy consumption, peak demand, and cost. View or download bills for each anchor tenant.
  • Floor Wise Tenant Details displays floor wise details of area occupied by tenants for the selected building.
  • Tenant Area Distribution provides a trend view of changes in area between anchor tenant and other tenants over a period of a year. This helps the building owner to understand whether the anchor tenant area has increased or decreased compared to other tenants over the period of a year.
  • After Hours Requests provides building details of the after hours request raised by each tenant for the selected month and year. This helps the building owner to identify which tenant is raising after hours requests and at what frequency.

Tenant Management Analytics

The user can view Tenant Management Analytics at the portfolio or location levels through KPI Cards including:

  • The Tenant Satisfaction Index displays to the user how satisfied tenants across their entire portfolio or location are with the service being provided to them. The KPI card shows the locations or buildings that are contributing to what number on the tenant satisfaction index, and which locations or buildings the negative feedback is coming from.

    This information brings awareness of tenant issues to the building owner, which helps to improve tenant satisfaction in the future.

    View a yearly tenant satisfaction index from each tenant mapped to a building. This helps assess tenants better by analyzing the trend of how satisfaction has varied.

  • Occupancy Rate displays the occupancy rate by tenants for tenant rented space for the entire portfolio or location. The KPI card shows the locations or buildings that are contributing to the number shown on the occupancy rate. It shows how many tenants have left and joined at each location or building, contributing to the occupancy rate.
  • After Hours displays total after hours requests raised by all tenants under the portfolio or location. It displays the locations or buildings that are contributing to a high number of after hour requests and what the reasoning is for such a high number of requests.

Building level analytics

View Tenant Manager analytics at the building level including:

  • Lease Expiry displays a yearly view of the lease period of various tenants under the selected building, helping the building owner to have a holistic view of tenants whose lease is about to expire and renew them.
  • The Tenant Satisfaction Index displays a yearly view of tenant satisfaction index from each tenant mapped to the building, helping the building owner assess tenants better by looking at the trend of how the satisfaction has varied.
  • After Hours displays the after hours requests by each tenant for the selected timelines.