Net Zero Advisor widgets are available at the enterprise, location and building level.
- GHG Emission Totals (Year-to-Date)
This dashboard displays the GHG emission data for the current year. Breakdown the impact of GHG emissions at different levels of an enterprise and the progress achieved toward organizational goals.
- GHG Emissions Breakdown by scope
View the total emission from scope 1 sources and scope 2 sources.
View the Total Emissions, Total Emission Reductions and Net Emissions for scope 1 and 2. View classification of scope 1 and 2 emissions based on the individual emission sources.
View classification of scope 2 emission based on the individual emission sources.
- Emissions Breakdown
The detailed breakdown dashboard helps users to better track details like scope and energy sources of GHG emissions.
Emissions dashboard displays the historical carbon emission based on a timeline selection for the past 1, 5, 10 years or a custom date range. Historical emission is broken down in to GHG inventories scopes 1 and 2. Click View Emissions Breakdown to view emissions by scope and energy source over time. Users can also view the details of yearly emissions broken down based on commodities like electricity, natural gas, and fuel oil.
View and download this information in a tabular format.
- Energy Consumption
The Energy consumption dashboard complements the GHG emissions dashboard by mirroring the dataset in energy units like kWh, kBTU, and MMBTU.
Energy consumption is based on the utility bills for all locations across the enterprise.
Analyze energy consumption based on different metrics such as EUI, or by Degree days.
View all commodity energy consumption data based on energy source.
Compare energy consumption data for different years.
View the energy consumption in different units like kWh, kBTU, MMBtu.
- GHG Emissions
View the enterprise wide GHG emissions based on the utility bills for all locations across the enterprise.
Analyze GHG emissions based on different metrics such as total emission or emission intensity.
View all commodity energy consumption data based on energy source.
Compare emissions data for different years.
- Location Metrics Overview
- Compare different locations at the portfolio level based on the following
- Location
- Number of buildings
- Area
- Total consumption
- Consumption per unit area
- Peak demand
- Carbon emission
- Emission per unit area
- Consumption per degree days
- Building Metrics Overview
- Compare different buildings based on the following parameters:
- Building
- Area
- Consumption
- Demand
- Carbon emission
- Consumption per unit area
- Emission per unit area
- Consumption per degree days
- Building Summary
- View the following information about a building for a monthly period:
- Area
- Total RECs purchased
- Consumption
- Consumption per unit area
- Carbon emission
- Consumption per unit area
- Emission per unit area
- Consumption per degree days
- Building Energy Consumption
View the energy consumption information for a building.
From the Metric list, select Consumption, EUI, or By Degree Days to analyze energy consumption based on different metrics.
From the Energy Source list, select a commodity, or select All to view all commodity data.
From the Unit list, select kWh, kBTU, or MMBtu to view building consumption in that unit.
From the Baseline Year list, select a year to compare consumption data for different years.