The Goals & Targets feature helps users to set long term goals for emissions and energy reductions. An easy-to-use set up wizard helps users to do the following:
- Define reduction goals. Create goals for carbon emission, emission intensity, energy consumption, and energy intensity.
- Set goals and targets at portfolio level and drill down to the building level.
- Receive automated recommendations for location and building level goals
depending on the baseline year values and target year values.
Customize goals for particular locations, buildings, and commodities.
After users set a corporate goal and assign location targets, they can set building targets. Users can track progress on the Goals & Targets dashboard. The dashboard includes the following benefits:
- Create and track multiple goals in the intuitive user interface.
- Link goals together to view the vision for an entire organization in one place.
- Assess any deviation from the net zero goal and view the action required to maintain your goal.
After users set building targets, they have the option to add sub-targets to a goal. Users can assign percentage reduction values to individual commodities to help you achieve your goal.
The Goals & Targets dashboard also has the option to view goal progress over a longer period using the at a glance view.
Use the At a Glance pane to do the following:
- View goals in terms of carbon emission or energy consumption.
- View extrapolated carbon emission based on the historical year's emission.
- Change the portfolio emission to view a breakdown by location, and to view
detailed contributions from each location.
Receive guidelines for the reduction needed each year to achieve set goals.
- Compare baseline year and planned reduction each year against the actual and extrapolated emissions.