Viewing all notifications (bell icon) - Johnson Controls - LIT-12014192 - Chiller management portal - Smart Connected Chillers - v2023.Q2

OpenBlue Connected Chillers Branch Facing Dashboard User Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Smart Connected Chillers
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User Guide
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Click the Bell icon in the navigation bar to open all the notification alarms received for the previous 24 hours. You can view data for the previous one month. The bell icon shows the data of existing RAP alarms and all alarms configured in the notification rules. Currently only panel codes are shown in the bell icon.

You can display notification alarm data for up to one month.
  1. Click the Bell icon to access the fault notifications.
  2. From the Date Range list, you can choose 1 Day, 1 Week or 1 Month.
  3. From the Date calendar, select the date that you want to display the notifications from.
Figure 1. Viewing all notifications
You can also use the Bell icon for the following capabilities: