If you use a Companion connected smart desk, configure the smart desk in Smart Desk Settings :
- Adjust and save your preferred desk height for sitting and standing. The height values you save apply to any smart desk you check in to.
- Use wellness reminders and adjust their frequency. Wellness reminders are small vibrations from the smart desk to indicate that it is time to change your desk position according to the activity level that you set.
To set desk height preferences for the first time or to adjust your existing preferences, complete the following steps:
- Check in to a smart desk workstation.
- Use the desk paddle to adjust your preferred sitting or standing height.
- In Companion, go to Smart Desk Settings .
- To set or change your preferred sitting height, click
ortap Set Sitting Height. To set or
change your preferred standing height, click ortap
Set Standing Height.Note: You can see the current desk height and, if you already have a desk height value saved, the saved value also appears. If you do not have a desk height value saved, 0 appears. To refresh the current desk height, tap or click Refresh .
- To save the current desk height as your preferred sitting or standing height, click ortap Save.
You can apply your saved preferences when you check in again to the same workstation or to any other workstation with a smart desk.
To apply your previously saved desk height preferences, complete the following steps:
- Check in to a smart desk workstation.
- To set the desk to your preferred standing height, briefly press the desk paddle up. To set the desk to your preferred sitting height, briefly press the desk paddle down.
To use and adjust wellness reminders, complete the following steps:
- Check in to a smart desk workstation.
- In Companion, go to Smart Desk Settings .
- To use wellness reminders, ensure that Wellness Reminders is set to on.
- To set the wellness reminder frequency, click
ortap Edit Activity Level, and select one
of the following options:
- Low: you receive a reminder every 12 minutes
- Medium: you receive a reminder every 15 minutes
- High: you receive a reminder every 18 minutes
You can mute the wellness reminder for a particular check-in session on the check-in review screen.