This section contains information about terms in this user guide. Some of these terms have specific meanings in the context of the Professional Productivity Tool, some of these terms are different but refer to the same thing in the Professional Productivity Tool and Johnson Controls Enterprise Management, and some of these terms are the same but refer to different things in the Professional Productivity Tool and Johnson Controls Enterprise Management.
- SCT archive: A System Configuration Tool (SCT) archive is a data archive that stores static information about a Johnson Controls system site configuration at a given moment in time. The Professional Productivity Tool uses this information to quickly assign equipment, points, and spaces, and serves information if available.
- Portfolio: In Johnson Controls Enterprise Management, a portfolio is a users entire collection of physical locations. For example, a global company can have a portfolio with locations in many different countries.
- Location: A location is a building or collection of buildings in a specific place.
- Site: The Johnson Controls Enterprise Management systems refers to this as a location.
- Equipment and meters: In the Professional Productivity Tool, meters are a type of equipment, in the same way that a chiller or a heater is a type of equipment. In Johnson Controls Enterprise Management, meters are a separate category from other types of equipment, and have their own detailed section of the interface. This enables fault rules to apply as energy rules or equipment rules.
- Ontology trees and space trees: both the Professional Productivity Tool and Johnson Controls Enterprise Management contain simple hierarchical tree structures that represent the physical layout of buildings and equipment. These are called ontology trees in the Professional Productivity Tool and space trees in Johnson Controls Enterprise Management.
- N1 Migrations: N1 Migrations are an early form of BAS system that can be difficult to integrate with the Professional Productivity Tool and Johnson Controls Enterprise Management. Contact Johnson Controls Support for information about using N1 Migrations with the Professional Productivity Tool.
- Pulse meters: A pulse meter measures energy usage by sending signals that correspond to a set amount of energy consumption. For example, if a pulse is set at 1 kWh, you can gauge energy usage for a given period of time by counting how many pulses the meter emits in that time.
- Fully Qualified Reference (FQR): This is the local, unique name for a meter or other item of equipment. The Professional Productivity Tools text filters work best when you assign names to equipment according to standard industry best practice.
- Global Unique Identification (GUID): This is the global unique name for a meter or other item of equipment. No two items in the world have the same GUID.
- Trends: Trends are historical records of data that consist of many individual data points. The BAS engines store the trend information so that you can view the trends for a short time. These trends are then put into a historical database for long-term storage, where JEM uses the trend information.