Exporting data to Johnson Controls Enterprise Management - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012585 - Software Application - JEM: Johnson Controls Enterprise Management - 1.3.1

Metasys Enterprise Management Professional Productivity Tool (PPT) Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Johnson Controls Enterprise Management
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User Guide
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You can export data from the Professional Productivity Tool to Johnson Controls Enterprise Management with an Excel spreadsheet. There are a number of steps in this process, and it is important to complete them in the correct order.

About this task

To export Johnson Controls Enterprise Management configuration data from the Professional Productivity Tool, complete the following steps:


  1. Select Create MEM Configuration Data from the Action menu.
  2. Navigate to the Space tab of the Setup section in Johnson Controls Enterprise Management.
  3. Ensure that the portfolio name of your Johnson Controls Enterprise Management project matches the portfolio name in your Professional Productivity Tool project.
    Note: You must use the Select Units button to specify the correct units of measure and commodity prices of your project before you import data from the Professional Productivity Tool.
  4. Navigate to the Auto Configuration tab of the Setup section, and select the Configuration sub tab.
  5. Select the same data collector and data source that you specify in your PPT export file. For more information about data collectors and data sources, see Configuring data collectors of the Johnson Controls Enterprise Management Hardware Installation Guide (LIT-12012431).
  6. From the Upload PPT configuration file field, select the output file that you exported from the Professional Productivity Tool.
  7. Click upload PPT file.
    Note: When you export a project from the Professional Productivity Tool and import it in to Johnson Controls Enterprise Management system, you must not export a second project from the Professional Productivity Tool. This may result in duplicate points in the Johnson Controls Enterprise Management system.


The Johnson Controls Enterprise Management system populates with the data you export in the Professional Productivity Tool project. Next, you can make changes to the filters in PPT.