Adding missing Point Cell data - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012585 - Software Application - JEM: Johnson Controls Enterprise Management - 1.3.1

Metasys Enterprise Management Professional Productivity Tool (PPT) Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Johnson Controls Enterprise Management
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User Guide
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You can add missing point cell data to cells that require this information but do not have it.

About this task

A point cell appears with a red background if the Application Requirements require it but the Professional Productivity Tool is unable to locate it in the System Configuration Tool archive during the population process. A VAV box with missing EFF-OCC point data is an example scenario in the following sequence.

Figure 1. Adding missing Point Cell data

To add missing point cell data, complete the following steps:


  1. Mouse-over the point column header to see what the point column represents for the given equipment type. In this example, the point column represents #Occupancy.
  2. Next, find the Effective Occupancy point for the VAV box in one of the following ways:
    • Right-click the cell to display a Point List menu.
    • Select Point List to display a pop-up window that lists all the controller points that you define. PPT uses this list to generate the equipment row showing the points.
    • Examine the information in FQR, Name, Description, and Units & States to help you determine if one of the controller points is the Effective Occupancy point. Use the Units & States tab to identify a specific point and then look at the other data fields to find the exact match. Items that you map to another point type column show in a green highlight.
  3. Select a point in the list to lock the point as Effective Occupancy for that VAV box.
  4. Update your filter set with information from the point that you map, for example, FQR-OCC-C for Occupancy Command.
  5. Right-click the point cell that you map and select Modify Point Filter.
  6. Select one of the three fields from the point to leverage.
  7. Update your standard filter set.
  8. Highlight the cells that you want to update with the new filter set.
  9. Right-click and select Start Population for Selected Cells. The cells that show in a green highlight populate with points, if the filter that you update finds a match.
  10. Repeat this process with the remaining cells that the Application requires until the cells are either full or you them mark out-of-scope. Alternatively, you can add the points in the Johnson Controls system later.


Next, you can mark cells out-of-scope to ignore the application requirements.