Appendix C: Meter template - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012585 - Software Application - JEM: Johnson Controls Enterprise Management - 1.3.1

Metasys Enterprise Management Professional Productivity Tool (PPT) Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Johnson Controls Enterprise Management
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date

Use this table to understand the meters that the Professional Production Tool currently supports. You must map your meters so that the meter points can access Johnson Controls Enterprise Management. You can then map your meter points to meters in Johnson Controls Enterprise Management.

Equipment Display PPT Version Default Filter
Chilled Water Meter 4.3
DieselMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *Diesel*
ElectricMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *Electric*
HeatingHotWaterMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *HWS*,*Hot Water*
LiquidPropaneMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *LiquidPropane*
NaturalGasMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *Natural Gas*
SewageMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *Sewage*
SteamMeter 4.3 FQR, Name= *Steam*
WaterMeter 4.3 FQR, Name, Descr= *Main Water*!*CW*,*Domestic Water*!*Cond*,*Water Meter*