SNE - Johnson Controls - LIT-1201668 - System Integration - LonWorks Integration - 12.0

LonWorks Network Integration with Network Engines and LCS Technical Bulletin

Integrations > Lonworks Integrations > LonWorks Integration
Document type
Technical Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status

All network engine models can integrate to the LonWorks network with the addition of a separate USB-to-LON interface adapter (ACC-USBLON-0). Refer to the SNE/SNC Product Bulletin (LIT-12013296). This required adapter connects the network engine to the LonWorks TP/FT-10 network. The LonWorks network connects to the 3-wire removable, keyed terminal block on the adapter. The SHD connection on the LonWorks network terminal block is an isolated terminal and is not connected in the network engine.

Table 1. SNE limits
Features SNE2200x SNE1100x SNE1050x SNE110Lx

LON network variables

2000 1500 1500 N/A

LON maximum devices

255 127 60 N/A