Network Engine database generation - Johnson Controls - LIT-1201668 - System Integration - LonWorks Integration - 12.0

LonWorks Network Integration with Network Engines and LCS Technical Bulletin

Integrations > Lonworks Integrations > LonWorks Integration
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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To generate a network engine database of LonWorks enabled field devices, you must first set up a site database, define the network engine, and then populate the network engine with LonWorks enabled field devices and point objects. You can do this online by accessing the network engine in the Metasys UI or the Site Management Portal (SMP) UI from a separate computer or offline with SCT; then the database can be downloaded later to the network engine.

Note: We strongly advise that you do not browse to the SMP UI from a computer running a server-class operating system (OS). By default, Windows® Internet Explorer® Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled on server-class operating systems, and may prevent the SMP UI from launching or loading properly. Access the SMP UI from a computer that is not running a server-class OS.

In online generation mode, the network engine database can be created using the Auto Discovery feature for LonWorks enabled devices and points within a network that are already configured and in operation. For other options, see the LonWorks network integration section.