Network Engine database - Johnson Controls - LIT-1201668 - System Integration - LonWorks Integration - 12.0

LonWorks Network Integration with Network Engines and LCS Technical Bulletin

Integrations > Lonworks Integrations > LonWorks Integration
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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The network engine database contains configuration information about the field controllers supervised by that network engine, and the points within those controllers mapped into the Metasys system. The network engine database resides in flash memory for the NAE, SNE, SNC and hard disk for the LCS. Any online changes to the database are not automatically saved to the flash memory or hard disk; you must perform an Archive command to save your changes. SCT uploads and archives the NAE or LCS database from the flash memory to hard disk or other long-term storage media. The uploaded database or a database created offline in SCT can also be downloaded from SCT.