Basic system setup - Johnson Controls - LIT-1201668 - System Integration - LonWorks Integration - 12.0

LonWorks Network Integration with Network Engines and LCS Technical Bulletin

Integrations > Lonworks Integrations > LonWorks Integration
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Technical Bulletin
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Figure 1 shows a basic system setup using LonWorks IP routers. The system contains a single LCS85, a single LonWorks Network Services (LNS) based network management tool, and several LonWorks IP routers, including one Loytec L-IP router designated as the 852 Configuration Server. In a basic system, a single LCS85 Server maps all LonWorks devices in a single LNS database containing many LonWorks IP routers on a single Ethernet/IP 852 backbone.

The basic system is the easiest to set up because you enter all Ethernet TCP/IP addresses as shown in Figure 1 into the 852 Configuration Server. The Ethernet TCP/IP addresses include the LNS computer, LCS85, and all LonWorks IP routers.


  • If you are using the Echelon Configuration Server instead of the Loytec Configuration Server, the setup is identical to Figure 1, except that the embedded Configuration Server is disabled on the Loytec L-IP router and the Echelon Configuration Server resides on the LNS Tool (LN-Builder).
  • Computers occupying other addresses on the network are not shown in this system. The routers have been assigned generic Ethernet addresses to show how individual components are organized into the final system.
Figure 1. Basic Flat LonWorks System