Multiple PPT versions - Johnson Controls - LIT-12012585 - Software Application - Johnson Controls Enterprise Management

Johnson Controls Enterprise Management: Professional Productivity Tool Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Johnson Controls Enterprise Management
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date
  • You may install PPT for JEM on the same computer as an existing PPT for Panoptix. You can use both independently but not at the same time.
  • Project file names are different for the PPT for Panoptix instance and the PPT for JEM instance. PPT for Panoptix is not compatible with the PPT for JEM projects. If you open a PPT for JEM project in your PPT for Panoptix instance, you may corrupt the files in your PPT for JEM projects.
  • PPT for JEM does not allow you to open PPT for Panoptix projects.
  • If you remove either PPT instance, you must re-install the remaining instance, as some files the PPT shares may uninstall when you remove the instance.