Calibration - Johnson Controls - GS3CALKIT - Gas Detection Sensor - GS3000 CO or NO2 Calibration Kit

GS3000 CO or NO2 Calibration Kit GS3CALKIT

Sensors and Meters > Carbon Dioxide Devices > GS3000 CO or NO2 Calibration Kit
Document type
Installation Guide
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About this task

You can also calibrate or verify the device with the CO or NO2 gas if required. This requires a field calibration kit that consists of:

  • A bottle of gas
  • A tank pressure regulator with flow restrictor
  • Necessary tubing
  • Calibration cap to cover the sensor

The range for calibration is 68°F to 81°F (20°C to 27°C). You can verify this with gas without removing the device cover. For surface mount products, use the calibration cap to apply gas over the pod to be calibrated. See the following figure for reference.

Figure 1. Calibration using gas

Before calibration, continuously power the sensor for at least 30 mins. To calibrate the device, follow these steps:


  1. Open the cover on the main unit to put the device into calibration mode.
  2. Press and release the MENU key to enter the Setup MENU.
  3. Continue to press the MENU key and release to step through choices until the CO or NO2 calibration screen shows.