Ordering information - Johnson Controls - LIT-12013641 - FCP-NA-701 - FCP-PA-701 - Fan Coil Thermostat - Non-Programmable Thermostat - Programmable Thermostat - FCP Non-Programmable and Programmable Fan Coil or PTAC Thermostat

FCP Non-Programmable and Programmable Fan Coil or PTAC Thermostat Product Bulletin

Thermostats > Fan Coil Thermostats > FCP Non-Programmable and Programmable Fan Coil or PTAC Thermostat
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Product Bulletin
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Table 1. FCP digital room thermostat for fan coil or PTAC selection chart
Product code number Non-programmable/programmable Backup battery for RTC Johnson Controls logo Color
FCP-NA-701-N Non-programmable No No White
FCP-NA-701-B Non-programmable No Yes White
FCP-PA-701-N 7-day programmable Yes No White
FCP-PA-701-B 7-day programmable Yes Yes White
FCP-PA-701-NF 7-day programmable Yes Yes White
The FCP Thermostat ships from the factory with a quick start guide, four mounting screws, one lock screw, seven pre-installed terminal wires, and one wire label. The FCP‑PA‑701 also includes one coin cell battery.
Note: The FCP-PA-701-NF FCP guide, Programmable Fan Coil or PTAC Thermostat without Fan Quick Start Guide (12013797), does not ship with the product but is available on Knowledge Exchange.