Attributes (Occupancy Mode Determination [MZ]) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

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Controller Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) modules:

Table 1. Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) Attributes


Type 1


Default Value

EFF-OCC (Effective Occupancy)

G, V

Resultant Occupancy Mode based on the input values.

Set Name: Occ Effective



Length of time that the Bypass mode remains active once activated.

3600 Seconds

Occupancy Override


Contains the highest priority in controlling the effective occupancy output. It typically is controlled by the user directly commanding the input.

Not Set

Set Name: Occ Override

Occupancy Schedule


Contains the third highest priority in controlling the effective occupancy output. The occupancy schedule typically is controlled by a schedule in the supervisory system.

Not Set

Set Name: Occ Schedule

Occupancy Sensor


Indicates when someone is in the space or whether the space should be considered occupied.

Not Set

Set Name: Occ Sensor

Zone X Temp Occ


Allows monitoring of up to eight zones’ local momentary buttons using the Zone X Temp Occ inputs (X is 1-8) to allow occupants to indicate their presence.


Set Name: Inactive/Active

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)