Sequencers - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

Product name
Controller Configuration Tool
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date

The Sequencer group contains the MSC 01 through MSC 12 modules for terminal unit control, Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16 for simple staging, and the Global Sequencer module for custom applications. The following table provides a comparison of the three sequencers.

Table 1. Comparison of Sequencers
Sequencer Feature Multi-Stage Controller (MSC) Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16 Global Sequencer Previous DX Sequencer


Electric Heaters







Electric Heaters

Single Oil Pumps




Electric Heaters

DX Replacement Compatible

No No Yes N/A

System Selection Tree Creation

VAV, Air Handling Units, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilators, Heat Pumps, by Output Controller column, or by Logic View palette Simple Central Plant, Central Heating Plant, Central Cooling Plant, by Output Controller column, or by Logic View palette Not in selection trees created through Output Controller column or Logic view palette N/A

Upfront Configuration Process

Details Panel Details Panel Wizard, Details Panel Details Panel

Number of Devices

12 16 16 8 (16)



Upstream controller is expected to be a PID.

Scalable, default is 0–100%

Scalable, default is 0–100%




PMAC varies the on and off times as well as the cycle time. It generates a pulse train based on the vernier control signal. A pulse train is comprised of a sequence of on and off states. These on and off states always respect the Minimum on and Minimum off times.


Provides intelligent rotation of the start and stop order of the outputs based on the rank and the device status.

Runtime and Startup count can be input to rank. It has potential to support Step Mode, Equal runtime, and Equal Startup. The order is calculated dynamically.

Step Mode: The order is decided according to Device number.

Sequential Mode: First On, First Off.

Equal Runtime: 1 Lowest runtime device is First On Last Off; highest runtime device is Last On First Off. Runtimes are external input. The order is calculated dynamically.

Binary Code: Sequence according to a binary code principle.

Equal Startup: 2 Lowest Startup count device is First On Last Off; Highest Startup count device is Last On First Off. Startups are external input. The order is calculated dynamically.

Step Mode: The order is decided according to Device number.

Sequential Mode: First On, First Off.

Equal runtime: Lowest runtime device is First On Last Off, Highest runtime device is Last On First Off. Runtimes are calculated in primitive. The order is calculated dynamically.

Binary Code: Sequence according to a binary code principle.



When proactive is true, one stage is always on.

Yes Yes Yes

Capacity/Make Limits


Set per each stage

Make Limits

Set per each stage


Make Limits

Make Limits are calculated when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.

Set per each Stage.

Binary Code uses only Capacity.


Set per each stage

Differential (Hysteresis)/Break Limits

Staging Hysteresis

1 set per all stages

Break Limits

Set per each stage


Break Limits

Break Limits are calculated when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.

Move Set per each Stage under Break Limits.


1 set per all stages

Instant Shutdown

Yes Yes


Instant Shutdown Delay is used to control the rate at which the devices turn off.


Fast Step Down is used to control the rate at which the devices turn off.

Device Enable

Yes Yes Yes Yes



Device First Of - This specifies how many devices are in the group where this device is the first of the group. This device and the following (value – 1) devices are grouped together for control. The Device First Of property for the dependent devices of this group are ignored.



Device First Of – This specifies how many devices are in the group where this device is the first Of the group. This device and the following (value – 1) devices are grouped together for control. The Device First Of property for the dependent devices of this group are ignored.



Invert Stage in Set

Yes No Yes Yes

Equal Runtime Within Sets

No No


Equal Runtime mode only


Rotate Now

Yes Yes


The Rotate Now Delay is used by the Rotate Now feature to turn new devices on before turning previously running devices off.


Force Upstage

No No Yes No

Force Downstage

No No Yes No

Inter-Stage On Delay/Inter-Stage Off Delay

No 1 set per all stages Set per each stage 1 set per all stages

Stabilize On Delay/Stabilize Off Delay

No No Set per each stage No

Minimum On Time/Minimum Off Time

1 set per all devices 1 set per all stages Set per each stage 1 set per all stages

First Set On Delay

No No Yes Yes

Vernier Control

Yes No Yes

An analog output of 0 to 100 that indicates the required percentage of the currently modulated device required to meet the required capacity. The remaining output is rescaled from 0 to100%.


Status Displayed

Vernier Out

Active Stage Count

Percent Capacity Enabled

Percent Request

Max Capacity Fraction

Pulsed Device

Operating State

Interstage Timing

Current Stage

Vernier Out

Operating State

Current Stage


Next Device to Start / Stop

Interstage Time Remaining

Stabilize Time Remaining

Minimum On/Off Time n Remaining

OUT: = input

OUTS: Total of the Capacity of Active device.


MCSn: This attribute is On when an interstage timer is counting.

Pump Down (Solenoid Valve Out)

No No Yes No

Single Oil Pump

No No Yes

Device 1 or Oil Pump Output

1 In Equal Runtime mode, the device with the lowest Device n Runtime is ranked lowest. If devices have equal runtime, their Device n Start Count is compared to determine which has the lowest rank. If there is still no lowest ranked device, the devices are ranked based on their Device Number.
2 In Equal Startup mode, the device with the lowest Device n Start Count is ranked lowest. If devices have equal Device n Start Counts, their Device n Runtime is compared to determine which has the lowest rank. If there is still no lowest ranked device, the devices are ranked based on their Device Number.