Primary States (Staged Box Heating Control) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

Controls > Control Tools > Controller Configuration Tool
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  • Instant Shutdown: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to TRUE. The Multistage Controller turns all outputs off instantly.

  • Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to FALSE. The Multistage Controller turns all outputs off, but only after all timers are satisfied.

  • Hold: Holds the Percent Cmd output at it's current value. This value continues to be fed to the Multistage Controller and the stages continue to be controlled by the sequencer. Should timers expire it is possible for the number of enabled stages to change during a hold command, since the Percent Cmd is really the only value that is explicitly held. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output Position input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.

  • Limitedb Max: Sets the output to the limited max value. This value is then be fed through the Multistage Controller and the stages are turned on accordingly based on the timer settings.

  • Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. This value is then fed through the Multistage Controller and the stages are turned on accordingly based on the timer settings.

  • Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the enabling of the staged outputs from the Multistage Controller. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. Otherwise the Percent Cmd output is set to Failsoft Value. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.

  • Failsoft: Sets the output to the Failsoft value.