Attributes (Damper Control for Volume Matching) - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

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Controller Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control for Volume Matching modules.

Table 1. Damper Control for Volume Matching Attributes


Type 1


Default Value

Damper Control Status


Contains the PID Status, and the possible values are normal, overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing high.


Set Name: Control Status

Exhaust Percent Cmd


Controls the exhaust air damper. The exhaust air damper is commanded from 0% to 100%.


Low Limit Delay


Defines the time the OA OpenClose damper remains closed once the low limit process variable rises above the low limit setpoint minus the deadband. This low limit delay only applies to a two position damper.

180 Seconds

Low Limit Process Variable


Low limit temperature process variable. This temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the preheat air temperature.

7 °C, 45 °F

Low Limit Proportional Band


Range across which the damper is proportionally modulated shut as the Low Limit Process Variable drops below the Low Limit Setpoint.

5 °C, 9 °F

Low Limit Setpoint


Contains the upper threshold for the low limit temperature, below which the damper is proportionally modulated shut during normal control modes.

7 °C, 45 °F


V, G

Represents the current module mode of operation.


Set Name: AHU OA Damper Control

Minimum EA Position


Defines the minimum position for the EAD.




Contains the desired mode of operation.


Set Name: AHU OA Damper Control

OA OpenClose


Controls the two position outdoor air damper. The outdoor air damper is commanded open or close.


Set Name: Close/Open

OA Percent Cmd


Controls the proportional outdoor air damper. The outdoor air damper is commanded from 0% to 100%.


Output Overridden


Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this output controller is overridden by a user.


PID Tuning Reset


Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.


Set Name: PID Tuning Reset

Process ID


Contains the type of cooling process that this output controller is controlling when the mode is T Control.


Set Name: Process ID

Process Units


Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular module, °C and °F are the only two valid values.

°C, °F

Set Name: Unit

Process Variable


Contains the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may be connected to this input.

13 °C, 55 °F

Ramp Rate


Defines the rate of change in damper position. This input is used in the Ramp Min OA and Ramp Open state.

50 Change per Minute

Return Percent Cmd


Controls the return air damper. The return air damper is commanded from 0% to 100%.




Contains the control temperature setpoint.

13 °C, 55 °F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Calue (Outputs)