Creating a PRN or DDL File - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

Controls > Control Tools > Controller Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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About this task

Note: We recommend that you save your application file before you create the PRN or DDL file. The PRN or DDL directory defaults to the last directory that was used to save either type of file. If no directory was previously used, it defaults to the last directory you used to save an application file.


  1. Start the tool and open the N2 controller application.
  2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog appears.
  3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears with point details displayed.
  4. Click Create PRN File or Create DDL File. The Save dialog box appears.
    Note: If you click this button when a Point Address error exists, an alert appears prompting you to correct the errors.
  5. Browse to the location to where you want to save the file, and click Save. The default file name is <CAF file name>.caf.prn or <CAF file name>.caf.ddl.