The Misc Alarm Monitoring selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
CHEM-A (Chemical Treatment Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Chemical Treatment Alarm (BI) node is selected.
COMP-A (Compressor Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Compressed Air Low Pressure Switch (BI) node is selected.
EMGSDX-A (Emergency Shutoff X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Emergency Shuttoff (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per shutoff valve.
EQUAKE-A (Earthquake Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Earthquake Detector (BI) node is selected.
FCP-A (Fire Panel Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Panel Alarm (BI) node is selected.
FCP-TBL (Fire Panel Trouble BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Panel Trouble (BI) node is selected.
GAS-A (Gas Detection Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Gas Detection (BI) node is selected.
HALON-A (Halon Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Halon Alarm (BI) node is selected.
HALON-TBL (Halon Trouble BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Halon Trouble (BI) node is selected.
MOISTX-A (Moisture Detector X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Moisture Detector (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per detector.
PANICX-A (Panic Button X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Panic Button (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per panic button.
REFRIG-A (Refrigerant Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Refrigerant Alarm (BI) node is selected.
SEWGX-A (Sewage Pump X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Sewage Pump Alarm (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per pump.
SPX-A (Sump Pump X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Sewage Pump Alarm (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per pump.
TANK-L (Tank Level AI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank Level Sensor (AI) node is selected.
TANKHI-A (Tank High Level Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank High Level Alarm (BI) node is selected.
TANKLO-A (Tank High Level Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank Low Level Alarm (BI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.