Defining Display page and Idle page order - Johnson Controls - Metasys - LIT-12011147 - Software Application - Controller Configuration Tool - 16.0

Controller Tool Help

Product name
Controller Configuration Tool
Document type
User Guide
Document number
Revision date


  1. Start the tool and open the controller application.
  2. Select the Display widget.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select any folder or point from the Display Pages tree.
    Note: Select multiple folders or points by holding down Ctrl while selecting items.
  5. Drag your items to the desired location in the Display Pages tree, and then drop the selected items.
    Note: You can drop points on a folder or on a folder member. The new items appear at the end of the existing folder items or after the target folder member.
  6. When satisfied with the display order, click Apply. The display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you transfer the application to the controller.
    Note: For DIS1710 and DLK0350, the location of the first three Display Pages folders are standard and should not be moved in the tree. If you move the Idle, Inputs/Outputs, or Parameters pages, the folder order in the display continues to reflect the original automatically populated order.